Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware

I did recieve my first negative feedback few days agowhich was encouraged by the new feedback policy. And because of the neutral being as good as the negative now my rating from 100% for the last 3 years has come down to 98% in a day because of the neutrals. And i have been getting notifications of loosing my power seller privledges. Well now i really dont care about the feedback system. Earlier we sellers used to try resolve the problems with buyers and offer them refunds or product replacement to maintain our feedback. But now as the feedback cannot be removed i think there is no point in making that extra effort. Also someone mentioned the snp percentage is calculated on monthly basis(example if you are and if you sell 20 products a month and if you recieve 1 neutral feedback your account is restricted and if god forbid you recieved 2 neutrals ebay closes your account). Yes i have been a recent victim of that as well. Mine has gone below 5% because of the neutrals. I list hundreds of products on all ebay sites. It has taken me years to build my reputation worldwide and gain some business after years of unncessary listings just to increase the visibility of my products. My monthly ebay fees touch Rs 1Lac. Finally when some business started coming in they have put a restrictions on number of listings i can post in a month. It takes months for a product to come up on search pages like google etc and is possible only by relisting the product for months so that it has a far better visibility. But now as i cant relist all my products i feel the Lacs n Lacs of Rs i have paid for eBay fees in the last months was the worse investement for my business. eBay should have held tutorials for buyers stating that there is no difference between neutral and negative. Buyers usually dont mean bad when they leave a neutral feedback. It is usually if there was a minor problem with the product or service. If there has to be a major problem they will leave negative. But then the new guys at ebay are giving it an equal weightage. I think the older guys who initially designed the feedback system were much more intelligent. Thats why there was a difference between Neutral and Negative. Whats the point of neutral feedback now? Also specially for this feedback policies shold be meant for new sellers not the Power Sellers who have gained respect and ratings over the years. I being an international seller have a tough competition with other sellers on .Com and other worldwide sites. We are comparatively quiet new to them. Infact is.
And now that we are getting some business for us and these policies and restrictions. It does not effect the power sellers on international sites as most of them are well visible and are selling hundreds and thousands of products every month. So a few neutral ratings wont hurt them. But we powersellers at who are comparatively new are the worst effected. Policies for each country should be different depening upon the sales and other data. Powesellers have individual account managers who monitor the sales and other activities. They should decide the sellers performance. And what option we have to resolve a mistake if we did one?
I sell 100s of items each month on eBay and try to bring listings on worldwide search pages using promotions on each and everyone of them.I used to maintain 100% on feedback. But when we are shipping out so many products there is bound to be 1-2% delays or shipping damage or some mistake. But now we sellers have no choice to even rectify these which earlier we used to do at our own expense by offering refunds even if the buyers demands were unjust.
Comeon we are human beings and not eBay, which is perfect. 🙂
99% of my products are high value. And the only negative and neutrals i got was for the low value product. I contacted the buyer several times asking him to return the product and offered 100% refund (including shipping) But he is not ready to respond. had even left a great feedback for him.
I dont know about other worldwide sites but the the future for indian powersellers is not great.
I had read in the newspapers that is yet to register any profits from its operations in India and if this continues it will remain like this.
This is because it is us sellers who pay the fees, it is us who interact with the buyers, it is us who resolve their problems and if we are subjected to this thoughtless policy i think a day would come that ebay will start hiring sellers to sell on their site and even that wont last long. just follows the rules set by other without realising its impact. There is always a difference between theoretical and practical knowledge.
We sellers work hard and actually interact with buyers, solve their problems using eBay as a platform.
And i think if something even though not as well promoted as eBay but practical e-com site comes up which has lower overheads and uses the seller fees for sellers all the sellers wont mind moving there.
I as a seller on have never complained about fees or anything for that matter. I believe in selling according to the policies and paying my enormous ebay fees on time believing that one day would be as popular as .com due to the huge upcoming potential in India.
I have never been a fan of ebay customer service the way they respond to queries or resolve issues.
But i hope this time someone is doing something, rather than Cut Copy Paste from the eBay Customer service Manual. (I have always got a reply as if i was interacting with a Robot 🙂
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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware

Community Member
Everyday eBay is making seller's life a hell. Though they know that eBay earns more than Seller himself.
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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware

Dear microscopesind,
How are you?I remember that you had once bought a gemstone from me.You are a Great buyer and seller.

I agree with each and ever word of your.If something is not done soon then most of the honest and loyal sellers of eBay will leave it.

What is more surprising is that there are lot more sellers in but just few sellers are coming to community board to register their protest.

May be when they become the victim of new feedback policy,then they feel like coming to community and post their story,that how they suffered.

I really hope that all sellers of come forward and tell eBay that they are not at all happy with this new policy.

All sellers must united for the mutual interest.

Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishan Gems

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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware

Message 4 of 9
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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware

Community Member
In Fact now when the buyer tries to leave a feedback , a window pops up and encourages buyer to do whatever he/She wants without any fears, and informs him that he can not be harmed.
In stead of educating buyers that what feedback means and what impacts it has, eBay is encouraging them to leave negative/neutrals ,
Even today buyer our trying to just communicate with sellers by leaving negative/neutrals feedback, Now who should be responsible is to educate buyers ??
I see tough times ahead.
Message 5 of 9
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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware

Community Member
Hi Everyone

Thanks for this post.

I am a newbie here, did not know the implications of this new policy.

I had great plans for my ebay business...

Kishor Nayak
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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware


The future is BLACK for all the sellers sooner or later.

The popup saying sellers cannot leave -ve or neutral is turning the buyers wild and they using it as weapon to kill us.
Also the specimen letter which wants us to send with product is sounding more like we begging with knees down to buyers that please don't leave negative /neutral feedback, and we will do what ever you will say. I personally think if we send this letter the buyer will be so much excited that he will sit and remove fault to get refund or exchange.

This is really bad for every seller.
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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware

Community Member
That letter is useless. The letter is designed against sellers and is not at all professional.
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Sellers on or even Not important to .COM New Sellers Beware


The message "You should leave honest and accurate Feedback without the fear of receiving negative or neutral ratings" is the worst of all.

If someone ask me to give a feedback for eBay then i will surely say that eBay is very good, i love eBay and bla bla... all in positives.

But if someone ask like tell me honestly and accurately with out any fear then i will rethink and say that there are few problems which i do have...

I hope you got my point from the above.

If you check the feedback pages of majority of the sellers, then you will find that there is a big difference between the comments received before and after the new feedback policy.

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