The barriers to entry on Ebay are nonexistant- anyone with a PC and cheap net service and register and start selling- they see one item sell for $150, next day there's 15 of those poles for sale on Ebay- they don't realize the basic premise, supply-demand, if you flood the market with goods, the price goes down. Ebay sellers should get together and list 1 or 2 same items at a time, then the price will be higher. Get together, take turns selling same items. If you flood the market, the price goes down. If you have 5 of something, don't list them all at once ! List one at a time.
The new feedback policy is a mistake on Ebay's part. It has so empowered the buyers, that dishonest buyers are now in the driver's seat, they can renig on payments and leave an honest seller a negative.
The feedback policy appears to be a last-ditch effort by Ebay to stop the flock of buyers from going to to buy new items. I say let them go, and let EBay be for used/vintage/collectibles- like it started out to be years ago in the 1990's.
I stil have a few very good months on Ebay, but it's obvious peak selling season is January to May/June- after that it dies out and sales are 1/4 or 1/5 of what they are in peak. Not enough for steady income.
Market flooding and poor feedback policy is the major issue. Why bother selling a good item if some jerk can still leave you a negative on it with no retribution ?