Request All sellers Please read this.Its not about me its about All of us



Fellow sellers please read this even its a long message but read it.This is not about me this is about all of us and i promise it will help us all .



First of all I introduce my self to all other Fellow Ebay sallers.I am Ebay Seller from 2012 and have 100 % Feedback as of now which I am not sure I can maintain because of ebay Emploees decisions and errors.but this is not about me its about all off us.


My case is  for all sellers to read and give their openion. (we all know ebay always prefer their buyers when it comes to claims) but my question is why their is a clause in ebay policies that Buyer need to read full listing and clear all doubts before buying and what is the use of the "seller warrenty" or "no warrenty" option which we have to mention while listing our products if ebay do not consider it when claim is open against sellers.


Now My case 



I put up a listing on ebay of a cellphone which is unlocked that means it dosent have any manufacturing warrenty.And i mentioned my terms very clearly for buyers that "Iam giving a 3 days Saller warrnty from my end for the product to check it for any issues or any problem and I will refund or replace without any question asked within 3 days and after that no refund or replacement is entertained "and I  fill all neccesoiy feilds with same information While listing the product .And in discription also clearly mentiond the same


now the problem.


After Buyer got the product I again mentioned them that kindly let me know any issues within three days you recieve the phone as it will not abel to help you as i am a reseller.I took followup everyday from them .they seems happy about it everything works fine for 5 days on 6th day they said the phone is restarting by itslef and they need refund.Ok now all fellow sellers read below how ebay emploee work to week your case so you dont have any chance to fight for yourself.


DAY 1 CALIM OPEN (6days later after buyer updated the phone software and saying its getting restarting now) I RECIEVE EMAIL FROM EBAY THAT I HAVE 10 DAYS TO RESPONSE TO BUYER. ( no prior contact to me from buyer for  resolution or help just opened claim)




My Reply to Claim Adjuster "Sir kindly read my listing where I clearly mentioned about my warrenty terms and conditions (he reads my listing while i hold the call ) said ok and agreed with me, again asked me what is the resolution I want to give. I replied sir as my terms and condition clealry mentioned word by word for buyer but still give me two days so i can try to communicate to buyer and try to sort out the issues but on ebay i have mentioned everything clealry about warrnty so kindly do not make any decisions untill you call me and have words with me because i want to solve the issues.


Claim Adjuster reply sure will call you after 2 get disconnected.


After few hours later i got email that provide resolution to buyer within 48 hours or we will ask buyer to reship the product and give refund.(Great what about the talk and promises claim adjuster did regarding to call me ???)


ok now i contacted buyer and try to understand his problem as i realy wanted to help him and i tell them that i wont be abel to accept full refund as i already make clear in my listing about the warrenty and he accepted that he updated the phone software.I gave buyer 2 option even i know i am not wrong about my discription and i did not hide anything .I told him i will give you a replacement but i will not be held responsible if any problem arises in another new phone.or i can restock it with 15% restocking fees.


Now this is all done on call and after that buyer stop picking my calls and stop replying me ,disconnectin my calls, ok now i tried to contact buyer for two days and i need to reply to ebay in written about the resolution.Here most seller know we cannot mention our response directly on ebay claim we either have to call or write to them.well i did both ,i called them 3 or 4 times for the claim and updated them that kindly ask claim adjuster to call me as my product is as per discription and spesifically ask customer care exactive to give me a call after 11 as I was driving to office in moring .Exective from selling department said sure he will give a call.and i also mentioned this in written to ebay .


day 3 I thought claim adjuster will call but no call 


day 4 i check my claim status in ebay garantee still its showing awaiting for my reply for resolution.Strange i called 4 times and send written email to ebay about my response.


day 5,6,7,8 no calls from ebay but i was calling them every next day that kindly ask claim adjuster to talk to me as buyer is not helping me to resolve his issues.Executive say he will surly contact you do not worry.


Day 9 Well I got a call early morning 10.25 A.M ( I spesificaly asked to call me after 11 as i trevel to my office and not abel to pick up ) so i missed the call .


At 11 A.M i reached office and got an email that As you did not provided any resolution we asked buyer to reship the product.


Now i called ebay and ask customer exective to let me talk to his superviser about this, as how a decision has been made without giving me a second call and i already told in my previous call buyer is not responding to me (I also send message to buyer through ebay massages atleast talk to me ) and I spesificaly asked to call me after 11 .


After lots of discussion for about 1 hour they said claim adjuster will call you.


No body calls,I call back again on Customer support and again expalined everything and this time i get a call from claim adjuster.


I asked him streight away are you the one who called me 8 days back for resolution and promised me to call back he said wait let me check and then said its not him he got this case from another claim adjuster i said ok. I explained him everything.


Worst part for all sellers:-


He replies we do not consider the seller discription or seller warrnty mentioned in their listings .I asked why warrntey options and boxes are their if you do not consider it ? no answer...

After lots of argument about an hour he agree to call to buyer and put us on confrence.befor that  Claim adjuster told me that if the software is updated in phone his claim get rejected But as buyer did not give any written communication he have to accept it on call I said ok.


Buyer and me on confrance buyer told everything and accepted on call he upgraded the phone.Ok i thought its done but buyer keep on saying its my mistake i did not read the listing but i know ebay has a Garantee of 30 days (And this discussion goes on 40 mintes and i ask buyer why he did not talk to me when i give him resolutions .he said he did not liked it so He stop talking to me.

I was so sure I am getting this my favour becuase buyer has accpted everything that he did not read listing ,he updated the phone etc.

Claim Adjuter in between the call told THat sir we are approving the refund in favour of buyer.I was shattered and felt that he decided that i am the one who is Cheating so hurted and depressed i ask him to cut the call of buyer and i want to talk to you .he disconnect his call and then i ask him how and on what grounds you make that decision.he said we do not consider and seller warrenty terms mentioned in their listings if you have any objection talk to selling team on customer care or your account manager.I asked him to let me talk to his senoir .


well here he put me on hold but forget to mute the phone line and start talking to his senior explaining him about the case before he talk to me .now i dont know who is he talking to but i can clealry hear that his senior showting  to him why you call to seller if we already sent email about refund.well now i was sure that Ebay india staff is not going to help me.


Claim Adjuster senior come on call start explaing to me that we do not consider listing warnnty mentioned or discription mentiond by seller if you have any question try to contact customer care or account manager.I ask him i tried to contact buyer but he did not responded to me and i even wrote to him to talk to me but buyer did not.... Now He said to me very rudly why you not give the resolution to buyer through ebay massages ,when you need feedback you send emails but why not communicate. I was dishartend to here this comment by claim adjuster and was very upset ... ( like to mention that buyer never contacted me on ebay through massages ).


Again I ask him do you consider any seller discription about warrnty i mentioned while creating listing? 

He said no we do not and then i ask why its their if you do not consider it.He said talk to customer care or your account manager about this........



Now fellow friends Sellers do let your views about this even you think i am wrong do let me know or if you have some guidence please share this so we all get benifited because what is the use of discription and warrnty terms if no one consider it ????


Hopefully someone read it and share their knowledge.





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Re: Request All sellers Please read this.Its not about me its about All of us

ebay claims are biased toward buyer.. the seller would always loose the case(100% garunteed)

Message 2 of 5
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Re: Request All sellers Please read this.Its not about me its about All of us

It is your duty to get to know the ebay rules before selling online.


You may create whatever rules you want that has no value, ebay rule clearly states that the buyer will get 30 day refund/replacemnt facility period so you should have known this before selling, no point is crying now.

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Re: Request All sellers Please read this.Its not about me its about All of us

Community Member

Hello dear,


I am a new seller and i am facing this problem from buyer.Buyers threat  that if you will not replace i will take refund from ebay guarantee.I got three buyer call like this.I am very scared how we can sell on ebay like this.We will loose money here.



One of my buyer buy leather pouch from our shop.He claims against me that item broken and send pics with claim.Ebay  refunded his money.I was so surprised on ebay's decision.If buyer dont like product then he will break  and send pics with claim,get money from ebay .Buyer will always win like this.



It's really very horrible for new seller.some buyer knows very well how to  threat new seller .


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Re: Request All sellers Please read this.Its not about me its about All of us

Well i know there rules but then what is ebay say to us thats its a  "contract between buyer and seller" and if buyer mark his terms clearly and ebay also provide the colums while listing the product to mention the terms than they must have remove it .and most important part if ebay has 30 days time frame then why they have claim adjustment teams . they should just do it online through the "CRM".


And I am not crying Mr. Its the thing wich is wrong which i belive you dont understand who dont know how to talk to another saleer.

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