Removed my listing NO COMMON SENSE USED

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Can u please answer me!

Now i have relisted it without the link - BUT THE WHOLE POINT IS LOST as consumer will be unable to find the exact item as the link which i had listed before!


Subject: RE: IN82003:RE: MC018 eBay Listing Removed: Inappropriate Links (411586587) (KMM34172576V39131L0KM)
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 03:36:21 -0400

Hi Shekhar,

But that link is the manufacturer's website!! - i have not put the video !!!!!!!!!

Whts better than the consumer getting first hand info. about the product directly from the manufacturers website? And if the site has photos and video the ebay buyer is ONLY more well informed about the purchase.

thx for your co-operation.

> Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 00:19:41 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: IN82003:RE: MC018 eBay Listing Removed: Inappropriate Links (411586587) (KMM34172576V39131L0KM)
> Hello,
> Thank you for writing to eBay Trust and Safety My name is Shekhar. I am
> happy to assist you further with your concern.
> Your listing included the following information:

> Please be aware that eBay allows certain types of links within an item
> description. As per eBay?s policy, links to a video hosted off the eBay
> site and embedded videos are not permitted.
> I trust the information provided useful. Do let us know, if you have any
> questions.
> Regards,
> Shekhar S.
> eBay Southeast Asia Trust & Safety
> _______________________________
> eBay - Southeast Asia's online marketplace
> *******************************
>> For eBay's Board Usage policy, please visit the following link:
> Original Message Follows:
> ------------------------
> kindly advise me what is wrong with me putting a link?
> eBay allows only the following types of links in a seller's item's
> description:
> - One link to a page that further describes the item being sold in that
> listing
> Please let me know.
> thx
> Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 13:06:30 -0700
> > Subject: MC018 eBay Listing Removed: Inappropriate Links (411586587)
> eBay sent this message to c153niyam.
> MC018 eBay Listing Removed: Inappropriate Links (411586587)
> Hello c153niyam
> We appreciate that you chose eBay to list the following listing(s):
> 180554962850 - Butterfly Massager - physiotherapy Healing NOW IN INDIA
> However, your listing was in violation of eBay's Inappropriate Links
> policy and has been removed from eBay. We would like to take this
> opportunity to let you know what part of your listing is not permitted.
> Your listing(s) contains the following information:
> ""
> eBay allows only the following types of links in a seller's item's
> description:
> - One link to a page that further describes the item being sold in that listing
> - One link to your email address that opens an email client for
> potential buyers to ask questions about items in your store. Note that
> this email address must adhere to any other applicable listing policies
> such as use of the safe buying logo when displaying contact information
> on the listing.
> - Links to photos of the item for sale
> - Links to your eBay (including your eBay Store) or listings
> - Links to your About Me page (in addition to the About Me icon already
> provided by eBay)
> - One link to your listing terms and conditions (providing that the most
> relevant information is within the listing itself and that this page
> does not include any links off of eBay)
> - Links that provide credits to third parties
> If a logo is used for any of these links, it may be no greater than
> 88x33 pixels and it may not flash or otherwise move. (The exception to
> this guideline is links to a member's eBay or listings).
> We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
> Regards,
> eBay Trust and Safety
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Removed my listing NO COMMON SENSE USED

Community Member
so like a parrot Shekhar repeats the same to me. My queston is - since it is a new product then How can a link be destructive to ebay marketplace when its a website of the manufacturer - i would think it will serve well in enabling the buyer make an informed decision. Below is the continuation of dialogue.

Thank you for writing to eBay Trust and Safety My name is Shekhar. I am happy to assist you further with your concern. Please note that eBay allows certain types of links within an item description. Generally, this link must lead to a further information page relating to the item. Links to websites or pages that offer to trade, sell or purchase goods or services outside of eBay are not permitted. For more information regarding our Links policy please view the following link: We welcome you to list your item again, with the appropriate changes. Please be aware that eBay may not respond to any further correspondence in this matter. Regards, Shekhar S.eBay Southeast Asia Trust & Safety_______________________________

Message Follows:------------------------

NO this info. is NOT useful because the link is NOT a mode to entice purchaser to buy out of ebay ! Rather it was an impetus for an ebay buyer to indeed purchase My Product via ebay only; since the descriptive info. on the link would suggest to any buyer that he is indeed getting a CHEAPER DEAL on Ebay India!!!The same product is being offered by manufacturer for $29 while I was listing at 1 rupee!!!!!!!!!!! Your TnS team has acted unwisely in this situation, and I trust you or your team will rectify the same
Message 2 of 6
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Removed my listing NO COMMON SENSE USED

Community Member
Hi, Your link was pointing to manufacturer's website, where the item was available for sale(outside eBay ) for $29.95.

This is a serious violation though u are not getting anything out of it. That is why your listing was pulled down. Price point in not the issue. thing is your buyers are being diverted to some site off eBay where they have an option of purchasing directly instead circumventing eBay.
Message 3 of 6
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Removed my listing NO COMMON SENSE USED

Community Member
oh i see..thx for educating me.

can u tell me which links will be appropriate then? Suppose i want to educate the buyer on an item just out in the world market for example, will it be ok for me to link a review page then? But even most review pages have ads etc.
Message 4 of 6
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Removed my listing NO COMMON SENSE USED

Community Member
Can anyone help me with this?
Hello crazy4friends (,

We appreciate that you chose eBay to list the following listing(s):

250697989432 - Fat Loss, Fat Trim, Kill GAS Acidity Chooran. WEIGHT LO

However, your listing was in violation of eBay's policy and has been removed from eBay. We would like to take this opportunity to let you know what part of your listing is not permitted.

Your listing(s) contains the following information:

"Call 09211506363 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 09211506363 end_of_the_skype_highlighting , 09891227779 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 09891227779 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for all enquiries
You can also email us at"

Sellers can include their email address and phone number in their listing descriptions. However, this is permitted only if the contact details are to provide further information about the item(s) in the listing.

It?s also mandatory to include the "Safe Buying" banner within your listing description.

Please visit:-

Users may not use systems or techniques to circumvent, or avoid, eBay fees. Listings or content that circumvent (avoid) fees may provide a poor buying experience and create an unlevel playing field by penalizing sellers who pay all of their eBay fees. Further, these listings and content undermine the trust of eBay's marketplace.

You may need to take a tutorial. The next time you sell, you may be asked to take the tutorial, if it's required. Once you've completed the tutorial successfully, please review your account status for any other possible concerns. If there are no other issues, you should be able to sell again.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you relist this, or any other item that violates eBay policy, your eBay privileges could be suspended. We value you as a member of our community and wish to continue this relationship, so we must ask you to refrain from further violations of the User Agreement and eBay policy.

Please review eBay's Listing Policies and User Agreement at the following locations:

For more information on why eBay removes s, or to write to us with questions, please review the following Web page:

Your listing(s) may be eligible for relisting through My eBay. If your listing is eligible, you will see the listing in your Unsold Items page within My eBay. Listings that are not eligible for relisting will not be visible in the Unsold Items page.

To relist your item, log in to eBay, go to My eBay to your Unsold items, and select the item that was canceled -- it's highlighted with a yellow banner. Before relisting, please make any changes necessary to ensure that your revised listing is in compliance with the law and eBay policies. You might want to check your other listings for similar violations as well.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.


eBay Trust and Safety

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Removed my listing NO COMMON SENSE USED

A lot of commonsense and business approach was used to remove your item. You need to know the policies better before posting such details.
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