Just b’cos Baazee has been bought out by an American company, you folks don’t have to act as stupid as they do.
Your apologies are not acceptable for the simple fact that you are trying to dupe the people who are paying you your salaries, namely the Sellers & Buyers at Baazee.
The sending of the mail may have been unintentional, but the bracketed comments were not. It smacks of a deriding attitude towards the Recipient.
Garbage ? Yep, what you have been telling us for the last two months is garbage. And it is a good sign that you people are in tandem with that at least. Though, I’m not clear about which one you are referring to – “The endeavour to constantly introduce new features” or “we have done few changes”. In my opinion both are garbage.
You did not say anything against the Sellers ? Yeah, just that this whole bullshit message is not urgent, just make it look urgent so that the dumbos (who are still hanging around hopeful that sanity would prevail on eBayzee) would think we are doing something worthwhile for them. This amounts to hoodwinking and deliberately misleading the reader of the message.
Just what is that urgent? Someone had a desire to go the bathroom? Tell me, where did the urgency vanish in the “New” Café , where no concerns have been replied to? Where was the urgency when we all told you that we don’t like what you are doing to us ? The only sense of urgency seems to be Killing Baazee and Burying it. RIP Baazee ! Up eBayzee !
You seem to contradict again. You say that this was an earlier draft and yet there is some mention of urgency. Bah ! do you take me for some stupid Idiot ? And your Input team was perfectly right… Any stuff related to your bug-ridden Bulk Uplaod Tool is not important and definitely not relevant to the bigger issues that Baazee Community is facing.
My mobile No is available 24x7x365 and I recd several STD and International calls today. You should check up with your board. EBay probably blocked your STD facility.
Now lemme give you a sense of urgency. If I don’t receive a call before Noon today from some Senior staff at Baazee (No not Samar, I know he’s been transferred to some obscure Dept), I’ll send a copy of the mail to all Offline and Online Publications, Blogs, Forums, other Baazee users, eBay, Walmart, Amazon, and just about everyone who is on my Mailing list (about 12,000). I’ll also send a mail to my friends in the IT industry and request them to forward it as much as they can. For a change, lewt the world enjoy a chain-mail that’s humorous. I’m also attaching the next faux-pas which is not just funny, but reflects truly the indifference from Baazee.
I’ll also follow up with a representation to the Consumer Redress Forum for deficiency in Service and an attempt to hoodwink the Baazee Community.
Ps: This mail is being marked Bcc: to about 230 Baazee members who are in my contact list for information.