KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

I'm selling on ebay from last 5 years and recently my paisapay account is on hold, in paisapay tab, under "registration details" section I'm seeing

1. Your PaisaPay KYC Verification Status is Suspended.
2. Your PaisaPay Remittance Status is Suspended.

It's been more than 10 day I uploaded all the docs (GST ID, Aadhar, PAN, Bank statement), I've not received money from last 3 remittances, KYC verification still pending.

Yesterday I called ebay toll free number and waited FOR 40 MINUTES for someone to pickup the phone, today also I tried ebay toll free number and waited for 64 MINUTES AGAIN, it's pathetic, no one picking up the phone, no one looking at KYC verification, absolutely zero response. Any idea what is going on here?

Message 1 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

same problem with me

my selling products down

and my paisa pay remiteence hold

call many tiems waiting 2 to 3 hours but no body received waiting waiting..


Now i deceide if within 2 days no resonse i will submit case file to Consumer court, already i talk to Lawyer


i will wait  more 2 days

Message 2 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

Finally someone picked up call on ebay toll free number.

He asked me to upload one more doc, "Declration Letter" from bank and he said after 48 to 72 hrs (after uploading) paisapay account KYC will be completed.

Message 3 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

i think you laready submit kyc

then what dieclaration they need



Message 4 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

Yes, you are right, I'm selling on ebay from 5 years and ebay had already done kyc long time ago.

But after uploading GST provisional ID they asked me to upload documents again.

Being prorietorship firm, my pan card carries my name (person) whereas bank acount is in name of my firm, so they need declaration lettr from bank confirming I'm the authoirzed person for this account (and business).

If you have created pan card in the name of yoru firm (and bank account in same name) you may not need bank declaration.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

The last remittence due dated 26 june 2017 . GST will in effect from 1 july, then why you hold the remitence for the sale of june 2017. All GST based transaction will be valid from 1 july. There is no advisory generated from GOVT of india in context of GST that before 1st july  sale or purchase is accountable to GST. I give u advise that release remittence for the sale of june.

@debdatt0 wrote:

same problem with me

my selling products down

and my paisa pay remiteence hold

call many tiems waiting 2 to 3 hours but no body received waiting waiting..


Now i deceide if within 2 days no resonse i will submit case file to Consumer court, already i talk to Lawyer


i will wait  more 2 days


Message 6 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

This is pathetic, neither they are working on KYC nor they pickup phone, absolutely zero communication.

Every time I make a call now, call gets connected after 1 hr  and only sentence I hear is "KYC will be done in 48 hrs".

It's been 3 weeks that PaisaPay remittance uspended.

Message 7 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

Not sure if it will work but since so many sellers are not getting money from EBay, why not file complaint with Ministry of Commerce? There is MOCI Seva initiative by the ministry of twitter. If all of you file complaint, maybe they will take note.

Message 8 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

yes even my KYC is pending for last 2 weeks.All dodcuments suspended and yet no response except told to wait 48 hours.


I am now cancelling fresh  orders as I can't afford to have payment on hold .



Message 9 of 14
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Re: KYC Issue and Ebay toll free number not responding.

My Paisapay account was on hold from 16/06/2017, finally ebay re-activated it on 07/07/2017.

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