I'm in a deep shock and disbelief considering no reply from any eBay customer support to my mails and discussion board.
One of my Items in 1 Re Auctions which is of high value (Acer Laptop Item number:320420462271) which i posted 2 days back is not even visible under its category section and hence it got no visitors or buyers.
eBay has even charged the listing fees for the product which is not even listed and can only be searched through item number.
Who will pay for the 2-3 days of bidding day i lost?
Thus is give eBay a ''NEGATIVE FEEDBACK'' for lack of customer support.
I need some help with fellow eBayer's as im new here.
Can i cancel the listing which had no bids or buyers and will i be charged for the listing fees and the extra borders,subtitles,etc ?
Please help!!!