Hello Ebayer,
You all will be surprisd to know that we have still not received credit for the month of AUGUST. We had 8800 listings in August. We have raised these credit issues and excess billing issues several times in the forum with absolutely no remedy. This has become a regular affair of wasting our valuable time to wtite to concerned persons instead of concentrating on increasing sale.
It is fact, if a seller is not checking his account, then only GOD can help him. Ebay has created such an impression amongst the sellers that they need not check the accounts but in reality, by using software, it is very easy to manipulate without involving manual process.
If you calculate, sellers are paying app. 50% of their profits to Ebay.
If the concerned people become some serious, sellers are not required to waste their time, money and energy.
Thanking You,
Ashok Agarwal