'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
The following instructions are to be followed while filling-in the application form for the grant of Importer-Exporter Code Number.


Goto: http://www.ap.nic.in/jdgft/iec.htm

Costs Rs. 1,000 only by DD + Rs 50 (max) for postage stamp. Please do not go to a broker and land up paying 10 grand for this job :-p. Turn around time is about 3-5 weekdays :-D.


Prepare your documents. Make a checklist of required documents (there are 3-4 options, selects what may best suit you). Goto your Chartered Accountant :-x and he will process the legalities as far as agreements/ taxation/ current account number/ PAN no. (company PAN number necessary) etc. Approx. cost you Rs. 2000 or less excl the bank deposit (a/c opening). The whole process can be complete within 2 weeks ;-).


Download the IEC form here http://www.ap.nic.in/jdgft/downloads_new.htm


Prepare a DD of Rs. 1,000.

Read the application form instructions carefully. attach photographs and relevant documents. Sign each page of the appl form.

A self addressed stamped envelope for dispatching of the IEC by Speed Post.

Other imp resources: http://dgftcom.nic.in/exim/2000/indexapp.htm

;\ Address of The Joint Director General of Foreign Trade,C & E Wing, 6th Floor, Kendriya Sadan, 7th Main, Road II Block, Koramangala,2nd Block Bangalore 560034 Tel:080-5537213/14/15Fax:080-5537214E-Mail bngdgft@kar.nic.in

DISCLAIMER - I am new to eBay and did not find any relevant information on the community board. This is extract is research on the relevant websites and a short chat with my CA. This is the correct procedure however I am yet to apply for this myself. But then I am not willing to get conned by agents for 9 Grand when I can do the job my friendly CA and myself. At last, if you have a more detailed guide, which I will post after I receive my IEC number, please don’t hesitate to share it with the community. Other users of my guide please follow these instructions unless you have a better source. I will vet your comments for improving this GUIDE for future entrepreneurs. Unless I give a go ahead please do not follow another thread. PEACE! ?:|

Good luck and have fun. B-)
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
hi akshay this is roneo here. i wanted to get some details on the undermentioned.

my friend is bringing in a food supplement to india as such he wants to know the following:

a. does he need to have in an import & export license for the same

b. as the product he is bringing in is a food supplement, do we need to get any approval from any government agency in india!

awaiting your response in this regard. cheers.


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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
Can i know from where i will get the list of importer from all over the world. Can i get it in Maharatta Chamber of Commerce
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
Hi Akshaye,
I have read your replies to queries regarding IEC. Very helpful indeed !! I have an IEC but I am not using it since courier companies do not ask for documentation on small shipments like 2 bags, 1 skirt etc. But what I need to ask is: Is this retail selling internationally considered exports as per IEC norms. Also do we need to report or pay sales tax on all our sales.
Thanks in advance
Message 23 of 45
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
Thank you for your detailed post.
I have a couple of questions:
1. Do I need to float a company to get an IEC Number? Or can I get it in my name?
2. Where can I apply for an IEC Number in chennai?
Thank you
Message 24 of 45
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
Can one have IEC number in name of a person, I dont have any Co and I need a IEC certificate. What should I do
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
i want to import a laptop from china.....and want to know how much custom duties will i have to pay......the item will be sent by UPs or Dhl.....plzzz contact me urgently
Message 26 of 45
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

hello sir,
i want purchase some electronics item from ebay USA for personal use.please let me know about formalites.
Message 27 of 45
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
Hello Akshaye,
I have been puzzling untill I found your instructions!Oh my,a whole lot of paperwork again! So ,you say an IEC costs 1000RS only by DD . What is DD? Sorry,I'm European,and not familiar with these abbriviations. And what is a"Chartered Accountant"? We only had some marine parts sent over from the States to repair a engine/motor of a boat! Do we need all this stuff to get these tiny items? My parcel may be not more then two hands full of small stuff that was broken.We need to get an"Justification of importers when for actual use".What does that mean? =The purpose of the goods?If you could help me to find an answer for these questions?
Message 28 of 45
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Community Member
Hello again,
Another questionmark. What about this Bank form? We have an account ,but the bank is in Mumbai only,we live in Pune. Do we need to make a trip to Mumbai herefor? Whats' the purpose of a bankdraft,the goods are allready paid for ,the only thing is to collect them and pay taxes. Why do we need an import code? I tought this was only when the goods are over a certain amount af value?
Message 29 of 45
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'Importer Exporter Code Number' HOW TO APPLY; SOLVED!!! CHEERS!!!

Hi Everyone !
A Bug :OThat Can't be solved on ebay for Export
i am selling since 2005 on ebay !:-p
Now i wish to sell worldwide but i want to open a Export Oriented Company !
(i.e only export no local or central sales )
and i feel that i have no way keeping buyers from India not letting them buy my items as the listing i do is only via ebay india .
I donot want to mix my India & export sales
For the same :
I have an information and a question to share :
1)Well as a seller on eBay India you should have a sales tax number / vat / cst etc. if you have fair trade practices in India.
2)Sellers who sell it without company / firm on eBay may end up in a problem anytime if they are questioned by any sales tax department after a certain slab as sales tax allows 4 lacs of sales in a year without creating a firm .
3)Also you may have an IEC code to sell worldwide or export through ebay but what if you have a export code or IEC code and do not have an Sales Tax number and you are selling on ebay india & worldwide too that's my question like you start a new company and say sell your stuff export it and list it from ebay india and as its an online listing a person from India buy's the same so then what shall be the option of selling it legally as you do not have an sales tax number you have an IEC and you want to keep that export oriented .

any thing just you may guide me i will give you a treat!:-D
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