Help on Using Community Boards
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Hello Everybody,

A warm welcome to the community discussion boards.

Community boards are a great place where users come together and discuss various issues, both related and not related to eBay. In the process, they gain from each other’s knowledge, share their success and disappointments, help others, make friends and most importantly have fun.

This is a place where eBay India users can sit and relax while spending time on their various eBay activities.

Here is some quick help on using the community boards, and making your posts more interesting and personlised.

To interact on these boards, you will need to register first - it's easy and free! Also, please take the time to read and familiarise yourself with the eBay Board Usage Policies on

How to read posts
To be a guest and simply read discussions, or "lurk", you do not have to log on. Simply click on the discussion topic you are interested in reading. However, if you sign in, you get to see all the new and updated posts since your last visit.

How to log on
On the Community page, on your top right hand side, you have a button for sign in. Similarly in every board, on the top there is a button to sign in. You can use your existing eBay user id and password to log on.
By signing in you get to see all the posts that are new or updated since your last visit. If you do not have an eBay User ID, you will need to register

How to post a new message
Sign in to the boards and either scroll down to the bottom of the page or click the "Post Message" button in the toolbar and then type your message into the text box. If you want to add special formatting such as bold, italics, bullets, etc. or insert links or images, you can use regular HTML tags in this text box or use the shortcuts given in the post message button box.
When you are ready, click the "Post Message". The page will then reload and your message will appear with the others.

How to use spell check
Prior to clicking "Post Message," you can check the spelling in your message. Simply click the "Check Spelling” (ABC with a tick mark) button on top of the text box where you've been typing. When you are ready, click the "Post Message" button.

How to start a new discussion
When you want to start a new discussion, click the "Post Topic" button at the top of the chat board page. You must be logged in to the boards to see this button.

How To Navigate Through A Discussion
To navigate between the pages click the previous or next tab on bottom of the page

To get to the last posts, click the "See last Post" button at the bottom of the last post on your list.

If you are not able to see beyond the first message, just hit on the page number and you will be able to see the whole page and the messages.

Watches, Settings and Search Functionality
Watches: To keep an eye on the discussion of your interest, you can choose to watch the discussion. This will ensure that you are mailed whenever any response is made on the watched post.

Settings: Create your own signature; customize it according to your personality. You can use HTML to make your signature more personal. To get some cool HTML tips check this out:

Search: Search and Advanced search functionality gives you the ability to search for all the posts made by a particular member, date wise or topic wise.

Glossary of Terms
A Discussion is a collection of messages on the same topic. Discussions are also known as "threads." You can post messages in a discussion, or click "Add Topic" to begin a new discussion, if you don't find an existing one that fits what you want to talk about.
A Post is a message made to a discussion by a member who is logged on.

If you have any questions, please Contact Customer Support at

Warm Regards
Community Development Team
Message 1 of 210
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209 REPLIES 209

Help on Using Community Boards

Community Member
I have had a few problems with ebay, paypal account and computer (yes im not very good with technology)
I have recieved an email saying:

Transaction: Devil Beside You Taiwan Drama with English Subtitles (#180177151030) sold by dramacastle on 08-Nov-2007.

Dispute status: Closed: Strike Given

because of my problems with paypal i cant buy this item.

what do i do???
Message 131 of 210
latest reply

Help on Using Community Boards

Community Member
Hi guys,
i have been facing a peculiar problem with ebay that when i registerd my acc. was suspende,confirmatin the listing my phone was used, & afterall the carrier code sent by ebay for listing confirmation was not correct & my listing was stopped wat shld it to,pls help me out soon.
Message 132 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

Community Member
hi sapana,
I have been threatened by country club people for
the discussion "BEWARE OF Country Club MARKETING PEOPLE"
Kindly remove/delete the link.
they are able to get this info through google search.
is it possible to block outsiders or remove the above link
kindly do it asap.
thank you very much,
Message 133 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

Community Member
Hi this is Vimal,
I've joined ebay yesterday. I would like to bid one of a silver coin and i don't know how to do that. Pls help me how to start the process. Thank u.
Message 134 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

I have a paypal account. Previously i used to withdraw funds from my paypal account to my bank account in india successfully.
But recently in the month of june i have requseted withdrawal of funds 2 times. But twice the amount returned back to my paypal account and paypal charged me Rs 250 each time.
Is this problem faced by anybody? If not can anyone let me know the reason why i am only having the problem. I have also written to paypal and awaiting reply from them. Thanks in advance.

Message 135 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

Hi boomboxindia

Well, I am not facing any such problem yet...I have already withdrawn 5 times in June .

Which bank you have an account in? You can always call your bank and check with them.

Touchwood , HDFC is great with its services!


Message 136 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

Hi Meenu,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I have an account with ICICI bank. I am yet to receive reply from paypal team. I will contact 'ICICI' bank today. Do you think my problem will be solved by changing the bank. Thanks again.

Message 137 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

Hi Sunil ji (boomboxindia )

I do remember a few fellow community board friends who had faced such problems as well with their ICICI bank acc.

I am not sure but I guess changing your bank might solve this problem. If you already hold another account in any other bank, you can always give it a try.

Hope this helps 🙂


Message 138 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

This is your bank problem. Either you write to your bank or change to another bank and enter that new bank in profile and try withdraw again. It will be solved.
Ebay treated 3 of us in Kolkata, me, Guptaji and Dipti to a good lunch in a press conference at Park Hotel.
Pinks Ms Deepa and Mr Murli were there.
Hope someday they will sure treat the super heros.
Message 139 of 210
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Help on Using Community Boards

Dear Meenu & Amitava,
Thank you very much. You guys are very helpful. I will change my bank and try to withdraw the amount. I will let you know after i am done. Thanks agin.

Message 140 of 210
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