Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.

Community Member

Shipped the item (Flipcover) as ordered.

upon receipt customer says, wrong color was sent which is not possible, I packed it myself, however the customer

managed to send a photo showing other items in pic, which wrong color flipcover installed on his phone.


He raised the claim and now without even talking to me ebay has sent me mail notifying

Action created: on. 2013-10-31 Refund approved by ***


Has ebay India Hired kids from primary school to take action whatever they think is right.


  1. How is it possible, without talking to seller.
  2. Where the hell is my product, why is it not returned to seller, WHO compensates this LOSS ???
  3. When you guys release the payment to seller only when reciept is confirmed, how come you guys are refunding whenseller has not got it back.
  4. Has ebay launched a drive against sellers and make them loose product as well commission paid.
  5. If the color was wrong, the flipcover should have been returned sealed, you should not install it to take a pic.
  6. And the claim has no option for seller to say a word, 

When I requested powership, you guys gave a date for activation it never happened and since then no mails are replied.

So I am proved the Idiot who tried to start a business on ebay India only to get scammed by the buyer with the help of Ebay Team.


All in All great job ebay India


For myself, I am not a kid, Have run a online business for a decade and already happily selling online on your competitors and haven't got any negative ratings so far, they are much transparent than your platform.


Thanks for making me concentrate full time on other portals.

After current listing I am no longer interested in selling on ebay India.






Message 1 of 8
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Re: Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.

This might be your first experience with eBay guarantee hence you are so upset.


The reason no mention is made about return of the item is because you are covered under "seller protection" wherein the item is kept by the buyer and seller gets his full payment, the buyer too is compensated by eBay in such cases. Usually the seller protection line should have been included in the same mail or else you will get a separate mail covering you seller protection.


Please get back here if you have been covered by seller protection.

Message 2 of 8
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Re: Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.

At-least I should have been contacted.
I got another Claim processed mail stating that I didn't answered the call which came to resolve, however the number they mentioned as my registered number was NEVER MINE, is not even in my State, Where these school kids got that number from ??
That number doesn't appears to be of dispute raising customer .

What my initial research and understanding is, newly registered accounts are causing problems, this may be notorious buyers changing names, ordering products and then making FAKE NOISE, they win and get refund + product and sellers are penalized.
What my concern is not only seller even ebay might be loosing money from this. as I believe any platform allowing you to sell and grow, its a joint efforts and both parties should work together to make it a better place for both, not to scare any seller or buyer for sure.

If I am going to ship next Item it would only be thru powership which I haven't got yet, I am not shipping any of **bleep** pending orders for now.
else I'll skip the "ship by " dates to let it get cancel.
Also after today no more selling to members who have score of "0"
I am sure this will help me if I plan to stay.

Will post back about seller protection once I go thru mail again.

Edit: staff removed the name of claim approving staff
why hiding yourself behind stars when we sellers come forward to show ourself in public without any ****.

Message 3 of 8
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Re: Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.

I really dont get why you are upset. eBay guarantee cover you as well as buyer. If they dont call you then why worry? they have done their investigation and so let them do their job. You and me as a seller have the right to dispute the claim if you have not been covered under seller protection. Seriously if you feel you have been wronged then call the trust & safety team and discuss it.
Message 4 of 8
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Re: Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.


   i called up ebay many times and was told to get a call from "Claim settler " if i remember the name correctly.

Haven't got any call yet.


However with shipping fiasco my paisapay remittance is on HOLD, 

i called up and got same reply.


My powership is enabled now and today I got my shipping bags from ebay.


But I don't know what about those claims out of which 2 were for sure customers fault.

and one member even asked me to ship him to have him remove -ve feedback even when he's already refunded.


Will wait for the phone call, and even mentioned all this when i called eBay yesterday.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.

Dear manu,
Can u pl. tell me what are the other platforms where we can sell our products, i didnt get any comparable to ebay?
Message 6 of 8
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Re: Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.

I also purchased a flip cover and actually got a wrong cheap one. I even complained, but was not offered any refund. The representatuve said that a coupon of 110% of the value shall be sent to me within 7-10 days, but even on passage of 15 days i have got nothing. Even my claim was closed by the representative.
What can i do...?
Can i ask for refund now...?

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Great Job by Ebay Guarantee, Sellers Beware, they are helping rip you off.

Worst ! They just want to bring buyers so they do this kind of things...

@manu532 wrote:

Shipped the item (Flipcover) as ordered.

upon receipt customer says, wrong color was sent which is not possible, I packed it myself, however the customer

managed to send a photo showing other items in pic, which wrong color flipcover installed on his phone.


He raised the claim and now without even talking to me ebay has sent me mail notifying

Action created: on. 2013-10-31 Refund approved by ***


Has ebay India Hired kids from primary school to take action whatever they think is right.


  1. How is it possible, without talking to seller.
  2. Where the hell is my product, why is it not returned to seller, WHO compensates this LOSS ???
  3. When you guys release the payment to seller only when reciept is confirmed, how come you guys are refunding whenseller has not got it back.
  4. Has ebay launched a drive against sellers and make them loose product as well commission paid.
  5. If the color was wrong, the flipcover should have been returned sealed, you should not install it to take a pic.
  6. And the claim has no option for seller to say a word, 

When I requested powership, you guys gave a date for activation it never happened and since then no mails are replied.

So I am proved the Idiot who tried to start a business on ebay India only to get scammed by the buyer with the help of Ebay Team.


All in All great job ebay India


For myself, I am not a kid, Have run a online business for a decade and already happily selling online on your competitors and haven't got any negative ratings so far, they are much transparent than your platform.


Thanks for making me concentrate full time on other portals.

After current listing I am no longer interested in selling on ebay India.






You are right ! Ebay India just want to bring buyers by doing such things

Message 8 of 8
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