Please go threw my feedback,its 239 feedbacks postive,and 2 negative feedbacks,but since I got those 2 negative feedbacks,my feedback %age is not increasing !.
I don't know why,if you calculate the % it should be more.
Please sugest what to do,I chated with Ebay live (rohit) but I feel like he was simply wasting time rather figuring it out !
Your feedback percentage is based on your All Positive Feedbacks. It needs a lot of feedbacks to get increase.
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Hi Shuaib,
If he got 1000 FB, then upto 5 negatives will not show in the percentage, because they dont go beyond 2 decimals. Am I right? 1/1000=0.001