See Reaponse I got. COOOOOOL
Thanks for writing to us. My name is Ajay and I appreciate the
opportunity to assist you regarding your report.
I apologize for the delay in our reply to your concern. We are currently
experiencing a higher than normal volume of emails due to our new
feedback policy.
We understand your concern in this situation and have reviewed the
feedback comment in question. Unfortunately, we found that the comment
that was left does not meet the requirements for removal as outlined in
our feedback removal policy found at:
Unless the feedback meets this policy, regrettably, we cannot remove it.
From the buyer's perspective, they have not received the item which you
sent, and so they were only being honest with their claim. Please know I
understand your perspective as well - you sent the item to the address
listed and it wasn't received - twice!
I would like to assure you that I am taking note of your account as
we're currently reviewing all the special cases. We realize that the
feedback system may require more attention and possible changes in
policy are also being looked into. Although that does not assist you
right now, I wanted to let you know that we are not overlooking our
valued members' concerns.
Due to the fact that there are few instances where we are able to remove
feedback, we try to encourage all members to use caution in posting
feedback. Unfortunately, good members can sometimes still end up
receiving feedback they feel is inappropriate or unfair. However, unless
the feedback meets the removal policy guidelines regrettably it cannot
be removed.
We wish that in cases such as yours we could bend the rules. However,
this is one area where we must be rather stringent. This is because of
the liability posed to us should we vary from this policy.
Please review the information found in our feedback removal policy at
the page listed above. Hopefully, after doing so, you can see how our
hands are bound in this situation.
Again, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience this matter has
caused you. Rest assured that if you have any concerns that needs to be
addressed, we are just an email away and we will respond to you in a
timely manner.
eBay Customer Support