Fake Purchase to end Sellers eBay listing Purposely.

This is the second time a particular seller used fake ID to end my listing. 


I had all the evidence to link these fake purchase to match the original seller and had reported the same to Ebay. but there is a dark silence.


This is the second time this had happened with me where my listing having 112 sales and more than 33 item in stock was bough off purpously without payment just to end the listing. Those 33 items are left in my ebay--> Awaiting payment.


The reason i know it was fake payment cause i purpously increased the price by Rs 300 than market price on ebay, still the so called fake buyer bough exact quantity 33 pc at the High price and left amount unpaid.


More over the Contact details used in it was of other buyer who had no clue of such purchase. Such type of illegal activity i had reported and there isnt any response from ebay so far.


Just imaging a buyer buys on ebay thinking his personal info are confidential and suddenly such jealous seller starts creating fake id with those database what would be the situation of Ebay in coming future.?


This i am sharing on community just to know if by this ebay would respond immediately as it is serious matter of concern about buying member info privacy.


I have the evidence and all proof to make the wrongdooer pay for it. but if silence is maintained then i think such thing would happen to me again and again  this kind of silence and no action also encourage those people thats why the same guy used two different id in 3 month time to do the same thing with me.




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Re: Fake Purchase to end Sellers eBay listing Purposely.



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Re: Fake Purchase to end Sellers eBay listing Purposely.

Yes for sure i do block , all together i have about 18 id blocked and counting!' Thats left to do on ebay i think.
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Re: Fake Purchase to end Sellers eBay listing Purposely.

Community Member

I am also a victim of this fake buyer jellous sellers thing my last two listing got sold and the buyer never paid it gone on hold for 6 to 15 days till ebay finds out, I checked those buyers profile they were newly created ids and address were not even written correctly they have no buying history before. Those my listings were among top 5 search results

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Re: Fake Purchase to end Sellers eBay listing Purposely.

bro can u please elaborate what u r trying to say. beacuse iam not able to understand u. that   how a person who has not paid for the item ends ur lsiting ?

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Re: Fake Purchase to end Sellers eBay listing Purposely.

exactly the same thing is happening with me. every 2-3 days my item listing ends because someone has purchased but not yet paid for it.

and for me it always happens with items which have been kept in watch list by many people.

its so annoying. this ebay system is absolutely incorrect. they should not end the listing until and unless the buyer pays for it.

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Re: Fake Purchase to end Sellers eBay listing Purposely.



Yes this is very annoying when buyer commit for buy and then they didn't and our product is stuck for 4 days,


batter is use Buyer requirements (under the Site Preferences) for block this type of buyers

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