FEATURED Shop promo discount not credited - committed from ebay team

Community Member
From: bijal.enterprise@live.in
To: inrswebhelp@ebay.com
Subject: FEATURED Shop promo discount not credited
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 20:33:09 +0530


My eBay.in seller id is : bijal_eshop

On 9th-DEC-2011 i got a call from ebay.in shop promotional team and they people have informed about promo scheme for up gradation of BASIC shop cost rs 499 to
a FEATURED Shop cost rs 1999. the scheme was explained to me, Like if you upgrade your shop now for a month. you will get the 50% discount. so you will be charged only 1000rs. for
a FEATURED Shop for one month.
So I AGREED and change shop level to a FEATURED Shop. they also committed that we will call you next month same time for down grade of your shop. and give discount credit in your jan-2012 invoice.
Till 14th of Jan-2012 i was waiting for call BUT i haven't received any call, so i changed shop level to BASIC Shop before completing billing cycle.
I also called to ebay customer care center & they people says we cant help u on this.
Again i was waited for discount of rs 1000 which should be credited in my next invoice for 15-jan-2012.
Today, i checked my new January invoice. i have not got credit for 1000rs as shop promotional offer.

I request you to please look in to this matter and revert as soon as possible.

Thank you
Bijal Enterprise
Ujjwal Mevada
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