@garden-crafts wrote:
Hi, I have just found out, after loosing the purchase history of one of my items that the out of stock option does not work if you let you item reach the the quantity of zero and then clicking relist. I have found that the method i have listed below does work for me and retains my purchase history.
- go to selling manager summary
- click on 'active' on the left hand side
- then in the 'status' drop down search boxes at the top select 'out of stock' and click search
- find the listing and click 'REVISE'
- change the quauntity from zero to your new quantity and click subit changes
This works for me and i'm using a basic ebay shop
You are misunderstanding ended listings with listings whose quantity quantity is just zero.
Both are seperate things. Your solution doesn't let us ended listings to revise. It only lets us to revise the listings whos quantity is zero and you can revise listing from anywhere, you don't need to go into seller manager.
Once ended, you have to relist.