Decrease In Sale after Premium Subscription



I am  not getting sales after subscribing  to premium subscription. I used to have good sales on the basic subscription but from the day I have taken the premium account the sales have gone down to Null.


As per the details of premium account facilities I do not see any of them being fulfilled. Specially the following one.


One million impressions per month for your Shop throughout - including on the eBay Homepage. When i had the basic account i sold 8 items from 6th Nov 2013 to 13th November 2013.


I have taken the subscription on 17-Nov-2013 10:27 AM. From that time my listing are not visible and also i am not getting any sale.


I think i might be wrong somewhere which i am not able to get it . please help. 

Paromita Das
Fashion Designer & Garment Manufacturer ( Owner )
Fashion Studio Urban Purple
2nd Floor , Kapilan Orchid
# 25 , 7th Main , 80 Feet Road
Subana Palya Extn , Bangalore - 560043
Tel : 080 - 41126730
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Re: Decrease In Sale after Premium Subscription



As you have opted for selling manager pro(SMP), which is just help you to sell your item. eBay will not give assurance to any selling mangaer pro subscriber for defined sell. 


You have been misguided. Please opted out immediately as it will cost you around 500 Rs per month. Go for selling manager, which is free and have good features as most of new seller want them. 


This SMP is just for high volume seller who have really high invenatory and hard to manage from normal selling tabs. 


I have checked your listing and can see that you have not described your item properly. Use 80 characters in title to increase your visibility. 

As you are listing item in clothes category, use Multi SKU function. 


Check compititors listing and add similar kindly of information in your listing. 


In ebay, listing visibility depend on item title, price, shipping and last, feedback. 


As you have lower feedback, use good title and price, put free shipping in most of listing. 


Good Luck. 

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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Re: Decrease In Sale after Premium Subscription

What is Multi SKU Function ? How to Use it . I am new to ebay.

Paromita Das
Fashion Designer & Garment Manufacturer ( Owner )
Fashion Studio Urban Purple
2nd Floor , Kapilan Orchid
# 25 , 7th Main , 80 Feet Road
Subana Palya Extn , Bangalore - 560043
Tel : 080 - 41126730
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Re: Decrease In Sale after Premium Subscription



Read this one.

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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