There is a bug with eBay's checkout system which I had reported over 2 months ago, but there is no action yet. So I am putting it up here for all to view, and with the hope that eBay will now look into it. Here is the problem -
I have selected cumpolsory shipping insurance for all my items for buyer's security as my courier takes all the parcels insured. Whenever a buyer buys just one item, it comes up correctly in the checkout as "Required, but when he buys more than one item, the shipping insurance does not get added AT ALL!!! Infact it shows "NOT OFFERED", whereas in reality it is offered cumpolsorily on all the items.
I request eBay too look into this at the earliest as I am making huge losses due to this.
Just for eBay's technical team to look into deeper, I have also offered shipping discount, maybe that is creating a problem... but this issue must be sorted out at the earliest.