Announcement Regarding February 1 Changes

Community Member
Dear Users,

We have received a lot of feedback to our February 1 changes through the cafe, the interactions you might have had with us through mail, and phone calls. We have been listening closely and trying to understand these issues to come back with the best possible help we can provide to continue assisting you grow your business.

We understand that some of these changes have an impact on the way you have been running your business on Baazee. However these changes are very important and we believe it will help in your business growth over time. The reason why some of these have come into effect is because we are in the process of integrating with the global eBay platform. While most of the changes we have made so far have been on the site look, feel, and some features, we shall, over the next few months, also be making more significant changes to the technology and services.

These, we believe, will benefit our users by providing:
  • Access to a more stable and powerful platform
  • Access to selling tools such as Turbo Lister, Seller Manager, etc, which will make listings and sales management easier than today
  • World class Trust & Safety measures to make the platform even safer for trading
  • Ability to do cross border trade providing more business opportunities for sellers, and more buying options for buyers

As you might realize, integration of two systems is never an easy task. To get the full benefits of these and for reasons of compatibility, it was necessary to make the changes that we have made on the site, starting from December 1.

However we do want to make sure that we are acting on the feedback, wherever possible, for the key concern areas you have pointed out:
  • Reduction of Auto Relist Count to 0
    Sellers will now have to relist their items manually once they end. To make it easier for you to do so, we are making the Bulk Upload Tool FREE for all users from the 1st of February.
  • Inability to pass on PaisaPay Surcharge to Buyers
    As a special promotion for the next 30 days (February 10 to March 10), we shall be charging sellers at the rate of 3 % (down from 4 %) for Credit Card payments.
  • Increase in Some Special Listing Fees
    We shall be running a special promotion for the months of February and March on some of the Special Listing Fees as follows:
    Home Page - Rs. 100 for single quantity (down from Rs. 150); Rs. 150 for multiple quantity (down from Rs. 300)
    Featured Plus - Rs. 50 (down from Rs. 75)
  • Removal of Prompts
    We shall be shortly introducing Attributes in select categories, which will bring in standardization on the site resulting in better buyer experience. We totally appreciate that this will not be a replacement for Prompts, and sellers will have to create multiple listings to display their range of products. We shall also be introducing stores, by which sellers can easily create and display hundreds of listings, with far longer listing durations than presently.
  • Lack of response from Baazee on your feedback
    Our average turn around times (the time we take between receiving your mail and replying to it) is as follows:
    Customer Support - 48 hours
    Seller Support - 48 hours
    PaisaPay Support - 48 hours
    We will of course try and respond to all queries well before this time line.
  • No response on the Cafe Boards
    The Cafe boards are meant to be a platform for our users to interact with and benefit from each other. As a policy, we do not reply to individual queries on the boards. We would request all of you to please use the following link to report your problems to us:
    We shall continue to address issues related to the community at large on the boards.

We are concerned about your business and hence have taken the decision to reduce the pricing on transaction fees for most categories from between 6 - 10 % to 5 %, in addition to the other promotions mentioned above.

We would like to reiterate that we have not stopped listening to our community, and never will. We rely on you to continuously provide us with your inputs on the site and its features. And yes, we read each and every post on the Baazee cafe!


Sanjay Varma,
Manager - Community Development
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Announcement Regarding February 1 Changes

Community Member
Dear Baazee Team & Sellers,

Reducing the credit card charges, making bulk upload free and lowering the charges for enhanced listings has certainly been a very optimistic move from baazee I am sure this is going to lessen the dissatisfaction which was flowing through the sellers after 1st feb changes.

I was just going through all the posts and it is really unfortunate to see that sellers have posted negative feedback and have criticized baazee for the 1st Feb changes. There are about 71 negative feedbacks on the previous post and there is not even a single positive feedback for this post since last 4 days.

It is high time we believe in baazee and support the vision which baazee has for all its sellers and buyers. If we critized not so seller friendly moves let us appreciate the latest decision which baazee has taken for making bulk tool free and reducing paisa pay transaction cost.

I had an opportunity to interact with baazee team and I share their vision and optimism on the changes. I would request all sellers to give positive feedbacks on the same with more greater enthuasisim which we did while criticizing them about the 1st Fed changes.
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Announcement Regarding February 1 Changes

Community Member
The biggest hurdle an exporter from India faces is the logistic costs which make the changes all the equations. Government postal service are highly inefficeient and the strict import norms by america and EU causes furthur delays and problems to the exporter as well as the importer. Professional logistic companies like FedEx, DHL and UPS are the only solution. However when individuals negotiate the deal its exorbidant.

I would like to request baazee to negotiate special rates for baazee sellers so that our products become more competative for export.

What I observe from the current efforts to sell globally is that baazee is encouraging sellers to list their items on ebay. I personally feel that baazee should put in more efforts to route more buyers from ebay to baazee. We have already taken lot of efforts to build this brand equity on baazee and no one will want to do it all over again on ebay where the selling is already cluttered.

Kindly mention the plans which baazee is planning to undertake in order to attract foreign buyers.

Kindest Regards
Message 3 of 4
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Announcement Regarding February 1 Changes

Community Member
This is further to the recent Changes at Baazee . I have forwarded my following suggestions over n over but of no avail , so once again let me try

a)WITHDRAWL OF AUTO RELIST is some thing which has caaused a lot of problems THE to small and insignificant sellers like me . SO MAY I REQUEST THE TEAM TO RESTORE THE SAID FEATURE - MAY BE ON SELECTIVE BASIS , AND IF IT IS DONE - THANK GOD AND BAAAZEE TO .



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