Dear Indraneelji,
Thanks for your very nice artistic answers to all queries. At last, the hurculean task of getting credit of Listing Fee has been done after nearly 40+ communication during 2 and half months. That too for AUGUST. SEPTEMBER Fee Credit is pending. We had to pay nearly Rs 10,000/- by credit Card in October for not getting credit in time.
I know very well, the task is not so easy but I THINK, not so hard that it took several months to resolve. Actually nothing has been done in August - September, and when I took up the matter seriously leaving other works aside, in October, then Ebay started resolving. You will admit, any sensible man must think, if I would not have followed it up vigorously, Ebay would not give it automatically.
Many small small issues are piling up without any satisfactory resolution - just the famous Proverb -
" Time is the Greatest Healer" is going on.
With the passage of time, many issues die automatically.
I had been always suggesting constructive and practical suggestions to Navinji and Jineshji all along, rest depends on you how you deal with the matters, what is your policy behind the scene.
But we by heart want Ebay should be comfortable place to Buy and Sale eradicating all hurdles.
With Best Wishes,
Ashok Agarwal