79 Listing left this month, Still a Listing Limit ERROR!!!


Free 100 Listing per month.
The seller gets a IF waiver for 100 listing per month. The offer valid for a period of 6 months
Start: 01/12/15 00:00:00 IST
End: 01/01/16 00:00:00 IST
21 / 79



So this is what is looks like when I go to my Selling Manager. I still have 79 listings left but not able to list another single item.


It looks like you've reached the number of items you can list. You can list up to 100 items this month"




Doesn't make sense for me of this erro if i have 79 left this month. I have seen people started selling for about 5 months and has over 120 products listed.


Can anyone help me with this please?

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Re: 79 Listing left this month, Still a Listing Limit ERROR!!!

Same here.. 

Any updates..

Was trying to list yesterday and what i have to see is that listing fee popping up from the ground..

i have still 41 listings remaining, and there is no promotion active showing on selling page...

I am sure there's some error from ebay side..

Have you contacted them, what we have to do next..

They advised me to mail at insellerverification@ebay.com



Message 2 of 4
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Re: 79 Listing left this month, Still a Listing Limit ERROR!!!

Same problem here but there is no rsponse from the ebay team about the solution.

Message 3 of 4
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Re: 79 Listing left this month, Still a Listing Limit ERROR!!!

Are you a new seller? Because the 100 free listing per month rule doesn't necessarily apply on new sellers. Although you get 100 free listings, there is limit on how much you can list in the beginning.

When I started selling there was limit of 10 listing on my account. I made an appeal and it was increased to 50 and subsequently to 250.
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