#2 (shivams-dot-com)
>sticking to your local eBay as eBay.in has a lot of
>teething problems.
Oh, dont say that. At least, the eBay-India-team is filling in the text-pieces like "sorry to hear you had problems, please get mad trying to use our customer-service-options at http://pages.ebay.in/help/contact_inline/index.html and never discuss your problems in public" themselves, with sometimes a useful comment, while on other eBay-sites, you first have to get 3-8 emails from the eBay "user-firewall" (automatic computer-generated e-mails composed from text-pieces according to some keyword the computer finds in your question-mail) before you finally get a real human reading and answering.
But the forums are a very good platform for experience and ideas exchange between users and will certainly turn very soon into a really helpful source of advice, like they are at other eBay locations, with the growing experience with the particularities of the eBay-system. I am always very impressed by the knowledge and the clear analyses many people are able to give others in forums and what I read on the eBay-India forums shows clearly that many users are very resourceful and willing to share their observations, analyses of the situation and ideas with others.
I suggest to not expect too much help from eBay (always try to get it, of course, one can alwayse have luck, too) and to use _extensively_ the forums to discuss all "how-to"-issues.
just my 2 cents.