In continuation to the above i would like to bring to your notice that i have received a mail through seller ebay ID that i have won the item on 12-01-2006 22:26:25 Hours. But the item ended only on 13-01-2006 at 11:30 hours. kindly clarify the same.
Today while i was checking the My ebay option with respect to the above item, i clicked on unmark for payment made and again i re-checked as mark for payment made. To my surprise the payment made by me against the above item on 13-01-2006 and semi acknwoledged as shown above changed from 13-01-2006 to 16-01-2006. Please let me know how this possible, even if i have clicked by mistake on the option by mistake and rectified back, how can a payment made/received date change. This is very surprising and shocking. Now how do you take my complaint, when your own site shows different date now.
I think there is a serios bug on your website and may put the Buyer and Seller in big mis-understandings.
Kindly clarify with regard to my querries and my payment made.