I've bought an item #6449892194 on 13th of November 2005, and paid the money (Rs.14850/-) using Paisapay (PaisaPay ID 14745043499) on the very same day using HDFC direct pay.
Today is 19th. How can you not process the money till now? and what about the refund? I was told by your customer support that if the money is not processed by 18th, then the refund would be done.
This negligence on the part of ebay is highly unprofessional. I would not hesitate in dragging this to consumer courts if the transaction is not settled asap.
The response of the customer support is way too late and means way too less. On complaining thrice, i got a response of a non formal apology and an "assurance" that the refund would be done by 18th, if (at all) it doesnt process by then. Now that its already past 18th, and the money is neither refunded nor has the Payment Pending message changed, I wonder how binding are your words of assurance.