eBay-Selling Fees

Community Member
Hi!Every body Advance Happy New Year 2006!!
My Listed Item turned-out to be UnPaidItem on 21/12.My Account displayed the FVF on 21/12.I have filed UPI-
dispute today 30/12 for the FVFCredit from eBay.Till now I've been giving time for the Buyer to respond.
1.When should I pay eBay Selling Fees Or
2.Whether the Selling Fees would get adjusted with the FVF
so that I can pay the Balace Amount due to eBay.
3.In that event Will my Account get suspended now for want
-of paying the Selling Fee to eBay.
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eBay-Selling Fees

Community Member
Dear Interwings,

Advance Happy New Year 2006

1. You should pay the eBay fees within Due Date i.e within 31st January 2006.

2. Since you have filed the dispute today (30.12.05), It will reflect to your account only by next month unless the buyer doesn't respond. So it may reflect to your account in your next invoice.

3. Trust eBay, Make the payment via PaisaPay or Demand Draft as soon as possible. ebay gives one month time to pay and its more than enff. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 2 of 7
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eBay-Selling Fees

Community Member
Dear interwings,

Wish you a happy & Prosperous New Year 2006.

For your question on paying Sellers fees....I would suggest that you pay the complete Invoice when ever ebay raises it.

I mean depending on your Invoice Cycle ie...either 15th or 30th of the month.

You must pay the Invoice amount irrespective of worrying about the credit for FVF.
FVF, if any, would get adjusted in the next cycle.

The whole billing is automated but I would suggest that you keep a track of it. This is because if there is any discripency you can immidiately report it.




best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 3 of 7
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eBay-Selling Fees

Community Member
Dear indconcepts,Than q for your guidance.
You have been a member since 12/01/2005 (ie)exactly 12 months.I want to ask you a question that Iam really spell bound in seeing your performance within a short period from the date of becoming a member.Really hats-off to you.
Keep-it up.
What is your secret of success?
Iam a new member.I don't have any product of my own to trade-in.I want to get hold of some sort of money-making project,eventually I came across this eBay.I used to be skeptical about eBay way of selling.Its really inspiring to see your success.All the best.Bye!
Message 4 of 7
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eBay-Selling Fees

Community Member
Dear snrama Than q for your guidance.
In your listing - the BuyItNow Price of Bad Sector Removal SoftWare is Rs.49/ + Shipping=Rs.60/- + FVF=Rs.2.45/- + PaisaPayFee.
Now my question is, How can a Buyer afford to Purchase an
Item like this.Even simple Item becomes so costly after adding all the above Fees.He'll be naturally tempted to
get the same product in the local open market,which he might get it at the bare Price of Rs.49/- Further the Shipping Cost is more than the Original price of the Item.
Would it not discourage prospective Buyers at eBay.
How do you manage to do selling in eBay.
Message 5 of 7
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eBay-Selling Fees

Community Member

With all the charges, ebay still offers numerous items at reasonable Prices. You can find many products on ebay at dealer's price, incl all charges. When we compare the market price, we must add the conveyance charges to locate the product and then to take it back home. So for many items the actual cost difference won't be much.

Buying something on ebay mostly takes considerably lesser time than market. Yes it takes longer to get delivery but one can buy at his free time without worrying about shopping hours.

I think first you have to find a source to get some item at considerably lower Price than that in the common market. Don't worry if the shipping charge is more than the bid Price. Just concentrate on the total cost. Every seller has his own policy of dividing the total cost.

You have honestly mentioned the problem of one used item on your listing. With such honesty & interest, I hope to see good rating beside your ID at the end of 2006 🙂

. Best Regards
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards 😄

Message 6 of 7
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eBay-Selling Fees

Community Member
Dear interwings,

As you mentioned my product, I like to say the shipping is more than the product due to the package.

The total cost is Rs.109/- which is lesser that what you get in the market.

All buyers are intelligent as they calculate the total amount (i.e including shipping) and they bid/buy if it find cheaper than the common market price in their place/city.

So the buyer doesn't get discourage if the product is found at better price at ebay.

Also there are many sellers who is selling for considerably lower price as said by Mr.Swarup Dutta. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
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