With all the charges, ebay still offers numerous items at reasonable Prices. You can find many products on ebay at dealer's price, incl all charges. When we compare the market price, we must add the conveyance charges to locate the product and then to take it back home. So for many items the actual cost difference won't be much.
Buying something on ebay mostly takes considerably lesser time than market. Yes it takes longer to get delivery but one can buy at his free time without worrying about shopping hours.
I think first you have to find a source to get some item at considerably lower Price than that in the common market. Don't worry if the shipping charge is more than the bid Price. Just concentrate on the total cost. Every seller has his own policy of dividing the total cost.
You have honestly mentioned the problem of one used item on your listing. With such honesty & interest, I hope to see good rating beside your ID at the end of 2006
Best Regards
Swarup Dutta
Best Regards