What a nice non-controversial topic

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Perhaps no other eBay subject generates more passion than that of sniping. In a nutshell, sniping is the practice of waiting until an auction is almost done, then bidding as close to the end as possible so that nobody else has a chance to outbid you, and you get the item for a lower cost. As in most things in life, sniping has its fans and detractors. Critics claim that sniping is unfair. If you bid on something with 10 seconds left, and overtake me (who was the current leader), then I won't have a chance to bid again. They also claim that by doing this, and thus lowering the price (since I would have bid more had I the chance), that this hurts sellers by lowering profits.

Is sniping fair? Your thoughts?
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What a nice non-controversial topic

Community Member
For me its ok if someone is not using any snipping software but risky as the time may run out. .
Best Regards 😄

Best Regards 😄

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What a nice non-controversial topic

Community Member
The most effective way to beat a sniper is to bid more than the sniper. Determine the absolute maximum amount you are willing to pay, and bid that amount all at once, the later the better. Doing that you use the proxy system to your advantage and there is no way than anyone, including a sniper can beat you unless the other bidder is truly willing to pay more than the item is worth to you. Bidding in this way you should never have any regrets, win or lose. When you win, you usually pay less than and never more than you were willing to pay. If you are outbid, it should be no problem for you and there is never any need to bid more as you have already placed your "wouldn't pay a PAISE more" bid, so in your opinion, the winner paid too much. See how easy that is?

Debunking the Myths:

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