Turbo Lister - AAARGH

Community Member
Turbo Lister will not connect to E-Bay. This is not a firewall problem. The programme itself works fine listing items for sale etc. It just won't connect to E-Bay any more. I've even tried to uninstall and reireinstall, but it won't even uninstall. I've downloaded it twice now, and have two turbolister icons on my desktop - neither of which will connect to E-Bay. Can anyone help? Please!
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Turbo Lister - AAARGH

Community Member
Dear wiseden40 ,

You may try the following :

1. Disable firewall. (This you have already done)
2. Run an Anti virus software.
3. Scan window registery & fix if there are any problems.
4. Un-install & re-install TL. (Take a backup before un-installing)

If nothing fruitful happens...then contact Customer Care.
They would probably ask for the latest log files of TL.
The TL experts would be able to guide you further.

Have you recently changed your ISP ? If you think, that the problem might have started after changing the ISP....then better contact them.


Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7



best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 2 of 4
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Turbo Lister - AAARGH

Community Member

Backup your listings, Uninstall TL (all files).

Disable Firewall or Grant Access to TL to use Internet.

Install TL, Try to Update them,

Restore your listings. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 3 of 4
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Turbo Lister - AAARGH

Community Member
To get proper solution, it is better to contact customer support thru TL help menu.
Select "Contact Customer Support" option from TL Help Menu, then Choose proper problem from Contact eBay Customer Support dialog box. You can also write error message and other details of your PC and internet connection etc. don't forget to make the 'TL Log file' checkbox on.

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