Community Member
Hello! i am honest_himachal,Today I want to show you the agony,frustration,sentiments,of an ebay member who is not only my best friend but also a buyer of a very remote area, but near to our location.Think abt him..and his suffering that why we want to leave ebay. Original Message -----
From: sooraj awasthy
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 4:10 PM
Subject: Payment Problem

Dear Sir, Thanks for your response! Actually we want to quit ebay but due to some commitment with the sellers we have to stay for some dealings.You are one of those seller.Asif bhai, I need your help for another reason we are very frustrated... yes.... we admit that we are new in computer & internet ,and in this low speed we can write a letter by spending 2 to 3 hrs. please send this letter to ebay and ask them why their attitude is so negative with us.We people of Hilly Regions of Himachal Pradesh & J&K are very simple...we purchase.. send the amount... receive the item ...O.K......and feedback thats all for us.Kindly imagine our situation ....we are living in a very remote area.On line purchasing may be a Fun for others who lives in a town, city, or in a metro city but not for us as many items we need for our domestic & professional use ....we attracted in ebay purchasing for the variety and the range,but we have to pay for an item a lot of money & time...but ebay & some sellers are habitual to "EK HI DANDE SE HANKNA" means everywhere all are equal but its not a FACT! See this example: For the buyer of a city to buy an item from ebay Total expenditure for that buyer: if SUPPOSE an item Cost:Rs.99.00 is Rs.99.00+ delivery charges:Rs.40.00 ICICI mt charges:00.00 to Rs.10.00, net charge particularly for that item:Rs.10.0(As the Broad Band facility available in cities)Courier'scharges:Nil TOTAL COST=Rs.99+40+00+10=Rs.149.00 or Rs.99+40+10+10=Rs.159.00 BUT COMPARE that buyer WITH OUR EXPENDITURE TO GET THAT ITEM Total Cost = Rs.99.00+40+150.00(net charge for particularly in our area because the speed is 4200kbps to 16800kbps need many attempts to open a page some time it costs 200.00 for 1 hr. as line break for 60 to 70 times every attempt call charge is Rs.1.20 is must for every attempt)+50.00(if have to send by DD as here its a flat charge in the Bank. Only Bank -PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, Branch:Raja Ka Talab, H.P.(Any person or concern can enquire from the Branch of their city whether its true that our branch charge Rs. 50.00even for a draft of Rs.30.00 or not.)+Rs..150.00(If a seller send his item through Courier. REASON: The cor. ser. contact us by phone come and take your parcel, then they charge Rs.5.00 to Rs.200 As they brought it from the nearest city so they charge for Bus fare or other)+Rs.100.00{average} as we have to waste a full day if we send a man to collect the parcel, we have to pay his daily wage approx. Rs.80.00 to Rs.150.00 . We send the draft by Regd. Post it cost Rs.22.00 SO NOW THAT ITEM COST US FOR Rs.99.00+40.00+150.00+100.00+22.00= Rs.411.00. it means if we have to pay by DD and have to receive by Courier then it costs Rs. 411.00 and if by M.O. then it cost Rs.99.00+40.00+5.00+150.00=Rs.294.00.In every way our expenditure is much much higher than a buyer who lives in a cty or in a urban area. we therefore request our seller to accept payment through money orders and send their item by Regd.Post or Speed Post. Some sellers agreed but as you know that the money order process is slowest than other transaction. So one of them lost his patience and reported the ebay that he hasn't receive the payment yet (after 3 or 4 days when he agreed to receive the payment by M.O.) and ebay suspend my A/C BY THAT NON PAYMENT CHARGE AGAINST ME.However i contact the seller by email he said OK i will revert it when i receive the payment...He received the payment on 6 th of sep.2006 as today i come to know when the postman gave me the acknowledgement receipt of M.O.of that Seller but that fellow didn't mention it to ebay.SAMETHING HAPPENS WITH US FROM EBAY... WE HAVE PAID THE FEES OF EBAY BY GOING TO OUR NEAREST TOWN ...MADE A DD from Punjab Natinal Bank,Raja Ka Talab.SEND IT BY Regd.Post on 1st of sep.2006. vide Receipt No.3005 & the DD No.SYH 425738. We responded on every notice by giving the fulll description of the DD & THE RECEIPT NO. OF THE REGD. LETTER, but they are not searching that letter &the demand draft in their office or A/C or POST OFFICE,Harassing us by sending regularly their notice for payment and ask TO SHOW the proof? it means whatsoever we are repeteadly mentioning abot thr DD no. & the Regd.Recpt. No. these are all imaginary???Why they are not complaining to their POST OFFICE abt the REGD. LETTER I MENTIONED?? It never happened before so we never care for photocopy. otherwise we have to pay the expenditure of a photocopy or Fax....ONE FULL DAY{COST IT YOURSELF}+Rs.100.00{BUS FARE}+CHARGE re.1.00 for photocopy+Rs.22.00 to Regd.Letter. What should i do? pl. mention your contact no. I need your advice, i want to express myself clearly to you abt this matter.your mail you ask me to open the item page in ebay but when i go for payment page it shows my account is blocked. I am suffering a lot of such type of problems & notices. "ULTA CHOR KOTWAAL KO DAANTE" IS VERY FIT PROVERB IN THIS SITUATION TO EBAY .Please mail me immediately your postal address so that we can send you the M.O. And Total Amount to be send. Thanks a lot! for reading my letter by spending your precious time.I shall be highly oblized if you kindly send this letter to appropriate hand in ebay. Thanks again, with regards! awasthy_1in
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Community Member
I think eBay should take into account such problems before suspending an account.
btw, PNB offers Debit / Credit cards. Hope this remote branch will also allow the customers to have one. In that case there will be some ease and reduction of cost in the payment procedures.
Lastly the sellers are responsible to deliver the item to the sellers address. If the seller can't then he should better mention that and refund.
Hope someone from ebay will look into this matter with practicality and with a humane mind. .
Best Regards 😄

Best Regards 😄

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