on 26-06-2005 02:08 PM
on 26-06-2005 03:53 PM
contact live chat help anshuman_panda0506.
I am giving u direct link to live chat. This will take u to live chat help where
u can ask for this query and they will help u instantly regarding this matter.Link
for live chat --- http://livechat.ebay.com/Chat/servlet/AppMain?grp=India&__lFILE=index.jsp.
Just click on this link if this link won't work then copy paste it in ur
browser. I hope u have written the right information like ur personal details --
Ur address, Ur phone number when u got registered on ebay.in because ebay team
has contacted every winner by phone.
on 27-06-2005 02:33 PM
on 01-07-2005 09:13 PM
on 02-07-2005 11:08 AM
on 15-08-2005 01:13 PM