How to add PaisaPay in other site listing?

Hi ,
You can add PayPal to your Indian listings. But can I add PaisaPay button on my other sites listings? PaisaPay is very efficient. I am seriously thinking. Any way? Please give a serious reply. Dont just say no you cant. I also know that answer. Find a way please.
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How to add PaisaPay in other site listing?

Community Member
You cannot add PAYPAL Button to your Indian Listings because PayPal is not integrated with

Similarly, PaisaPay button cannot be added on other sites.....thats because it's baby and cannot venture out in other sites.

Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
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How to add PaisaPay in other site listing?

Community Member
Dear Raha-da,

As Umang has said, its not possible to use Paisa Pay in other sites. For PayPal its very easy to send money but a little bit complicated to receive money in India. I am sure other sites has their own version for such online transactions. If not then the best is to receive money thru your Bank Account. .
Best Regards 😄

Best Regards 😄

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How to add PaisaPay in other site listing?

Hi Swarup,
Thanx for that.You are perfectly right.You are familiar with such transactions because you work as consultant for international concerns.
I once discussed this casually with a member having very very high FB.What he suggested is strange but very practical.In fact this is what he is doing.He accepts foreign drafts in the same manner we accept indian drafts.In fact that is his main system for practically all purposes.And,you see,he has done very very well.Probably he is very much right.No wait for dollar accumulation and 45 days wait and stop payment etc etc.
But I am also of the opinion that we should maintain a balance in PayPal for importing from international market.Kinda selling your goods,do some forced saving for future use.
One thing I can suggest that an indian seller if already verified by PaisaPay,should automatically be verified by PayPal.
But that is eBay policy.I can only suggest.Say if a seller does some 20 transaction by PaisaPay gets automatically verified by PayPal.
What do you think?
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How to add PaisaPay in other site listing?

Community Member
Hi Amitava,

Once I sold some products to a member from USA. That time I had not activated PaisaPay for my listings as I was new to eBay.

The member sent me a Westren Union Demand Draft for $40 (Approx Rs.1800) in my name. I droped the Demand Draft in my Canara Bank account after cunsulting the branch manager. It tooked approx 15 days to get credited to my account.

So nothing wrong is asking Drafts from International Buyers. Cheques may take a little while to get them clear as you can't dispatch untill it gets realised.

Anyway consult your bank manager to get more details.

I totally agree with you regarding the verification of Paypal. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
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