on โ26-06-2005 09:51 PM
I have seen many user coming here
as help help help........... Well to tell u a simple way to find help instantly
i m giving a link ---- http://livechat.ebay.com/Chat/servlet/AppMain?grp=India&__lFILE=index.jsp.
This link is of live help from Ebay.in. Their hours of operation areare Monday -
Friday-- 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM IST. Please feel free to come back during that time.
Ask anything, everything -- wht's going on Ebay? Any question as a buyer ? Any
question as a seller just contact them. Ask them . They r here to help. Just a
click away during that time.
on โ27-06-2005 12:02 AM
on โ30-06-2005 05:51 PM
on โ30-06-2005 09:31 PM