eBay Stores - Your all-in-one online-business solution!

Whether you are a seasoned eBay seller or just getting started, opening an eBay store is a great way to reach customers you may not have captured otherwise.


eBay Stores is a platform to help you maximize your business on eBay. A professional-looking store with the tools to build, manage and grow it, put you on a level playing field with even the largest online retailers. eBay Stores create a central shopping destination where buyers can learn more about you and your merchandise.


Still debating on whether getting an eBay Store would really help? Here are few of the many reasons why building your eBay store would be a wise decision:


  1. More exposure. Opening an eBay store exposes your business to hundreds, if not thousands, of potential customers that may have otherwise never found you.
  2. Repeat customers. Store owners are much more likely than regular sellers to get repeat buyers, especially if they provide good customer service.
  3. Save time & Money. Opening an eBay store can save you time with special features, such as automatic relisting of unsold items.  Store sellers get special discounts on eBay fees and receive promotional offers and free subscriptions to some services. You will also save money on administrative costs, as eBay helps you keep track of your sales and print shipping labels and invoices.
  4. Increased credibility. A professional-looking eBay Store gives you added credibility as an online retailer. Plus, you will have access to the eBay’s Business Resource Center, where you can download templates for professional-looking business cards. As an eBay store seller, you can create up to 20 custom categories within your store to merchandise your listings effectively.
  5. Get your own Web site. When you open an eBay store, you get a unique URL you can drive customers to — whether or not they are eBay members. You can customize your store with your logo and images and colors of your choice.
  6. Exclusive tools & promotional features. eBay’s Promotions Manager lets you control which items are promoted or cross-promoted to your buyers. Tools to help grow and run your business - i.e., Markdown Sale Events, Promotions Manager, Email Marketing and Store Vacation Settings. Access to “Terapeak” - marketing tool that provides insights on what to sell, when to sell, and how to sell on eBay? 
  7. Free monthly sales reports. All store sellers receive free monthly sales reports that outline their activity by category (e.g., monthly gross sales, conversion rates, number of buyers). Additionally, if you have a Featured or Anchor Store, you will receive overall eBay marketplace data to benchmark your sales against other eBay sellers.  
  8. More Promotion. eBay promotes shops extensively on the site such as eBay's Main Search and Listings pages. 

An eBay Store is your all-in-one online-business solution to get more out of the eBay marketplace and millions of buyers. 


Learn more about eBay Stores here.



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