eBay Guru

Community Member
Hi all,
Once somewhere i have been taught, if you are on a railway platform and you want to enquire about something its better to ask some coolie or vendor then to go to enquiery office. The street savvy people will provide you hands on answers.
I am running a store here on eBay and selling internatinally preety well, i feel i can help you people out in any of your queary regarding selling smartly on eBay. Have a try.


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eBay Guru

Community Member
sir i just saw your shop and your display and was enthralled. very good work. Your international customer feedback is also very heart warming and your help as you mentioned would indeed be a guiding factor for selling on ebay nationally and internationally. Please guide me as to what all government formalties do we have to follow while selling internationally and receiving funds from there. Your suggestion could change lives. Very nice knowing you. Will be coming back to your shop again and again.
Message 2 of 11
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eBay Guru

Community Member
How do you receive the payments !!

Message 3 of 11
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eBay Guru

Community Member
Can you tell us whether you have taken any IEC code for sending items abroad? Is it mandetary? What is the advantages & disadvantages and how to get this? Which courier do you use? Thank you so much for offering your services. Best regards.
Message 4 of 11
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eBay Guru

Community Member
iec code if taken is helpful ... but you do not need it actually ... unless you plan to take a duty draw back ! best way to recieve payments for small amounts is paisa pay and paypal is good too and demanded by most customers but my personal observation is ... it can be full of hassles ... only accept if absolutely must !
for european buyers ... direct bank transfer is a very good option and they are comfortable ... just ask your bankers to provide you with the swift code required to be sent to the seller depending on his location ... it takes 4-5 days maximum these days !

use courier which has a clout and your items do not get delayed in customs as a packet if gets sent back to india due to some duty problems can prove costly for us! never use non tracking courier as international customers can get panicky !

regards / hitesh http://stores.ebay.in/1hi2k
Message 5 of 11
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eBay Guru

Community Member
Reverred Guruji,

I am really impressed with the shop which you have put up on ebay I am glad to find somone on ebay to learn from on International Selling.

I am a student doing part time buisness on ebay from last 18 months. Gradually I realized that my products are appreciated Internationally than Domestically. Using the ebay International platform I started making International listings.

If you happen to go through my listings I have products ranged between 99-1000. People usually buy multiple items. I only use UPS and FedEx for shipping which means exhorbidant amt of shipping charge.

International buyers are usually scared off seeing the high shipping cost which I ask for.

Can you please suggest me a solution for this?

I will be greatly obliged if you suggest me how to sell my products more effectively on ebay.

I have been making International listings from India site. Do you think listing directly on ebay.com will make better sense?

I understand that these are quit a few questions to begin with but seeing your listings I feel like enlightened and cant wait to get in touch with you.

I am based in Mumbai and happen to be a participant in voices and quit a few seminars which ebay organizes for powersellers but I havent seen even 10% efforts bein put into their listings compared to you.

Looking forward for your enlightening words.

Nikunj Harlalka
Message 6 of 11
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eBay Guru

Community Member
Hi Guys,

Sorry for not been in touch with this thread. You can see as i posted my first mail in the month of JUNE and got first reply in OCTOBER. Anyway now onward I would be in touch with this thread, do post in your queries and comments, lets start to help each others.

One thing I would like to bring in your notice [ this though is very premature but eventually we all have to face it], rather I will put in this way........

"Are you prepared for the time when eBay will start charging for all the things which are free now"

We all have to work towards this situation and get ourselves ready for it. eBay recently started charging RS.2 for subtitle and suddenly subtitles were gone from most of the listings. [Rs.0.00] This is what eBay shows with most of the features, time is not so far when they will start filling these brackets with real figures.

Comments are welcome.


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eBay Guru

Community Member

For ebay to charge a listing fees or say Gallary image fees would be suicidal. Following are the points to explain my claim

1.) Number of Sellers on Ebay almost Stagnent

2.) Existing sellers many of then who were founder sellers on Baazee are being suspended at a rapid rate with minor breach of policy.

3.) I feel a major chunk of selllers on ebay today are there because listing is free. If one would have had to pay for the listings why not other e-commerce sites like Indiatimes and Rediff which exceeds ebay n number of time when it comes to the volume of buisness which they generate. The sites are India Specific and Indian Buyer friendly when it comes to verificatoin of credit cards even when it comes to bidding for an auction.

4.) Ebay remains attractive only to sellers who carry merchendise suitable for exports.

5.) In Ebay Powerseller meets In Mumbai sellers in the Consumer Electronics category and other well performing categories advised ebay to charge for listings to make the site less cluttered however same has always been outrightly refused as Ebay very well know what the consequences of the same will be.

So have fun guys and stop bothering yourself about the listing fees I dont see it coming anytime sooner.

Message 8 of 11
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eBay Guru

Community Member
Can you suggest a good courier for shipping abroad who is reliable and not very expensive.
Message 9 of 11
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eBay Guru

What is the importance of IEC Code.
Rajasthanstore Rajasthanstore.
(An online store of Rajasthani Items)
(An online store of Rajasthani Items)
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