I am afraid to sell high value items now on ebay as it can be total loss to me because of new paisapay policy.I as a seller find myself very helpless as all protection is only for buyers.
Well few days back I had received an order from a buyer,The buyer had paid and I had sent the item to him and also entered the shipping details.
Today he had given me positive feedback confirming the receipt of the item but he had not confirmed the receipt of the item in Paisapay.
The buyer is not new to ebay but still he is not at all aware about new paisapay policy.I had also messaged him to confirm the receipt in paisapay but still no response from him.He must be thinking I had provided feedback then what is the need of confirming it again in paisapay.Seller's money will be with paisapay for no fault of him/her.
I feel lucky as it was just a small order,but What can happen if it would been a case of high value item?
Also almost 4.5% is too much as paisapay charges as I sell high value items and it will forced seller to either stop selling high value items or increase price of the item.
eBay should always remember that buyers are coming to eBay as they are getting good service from sellers and also price must be reasonable otherwise buyers have many other option.
Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems