it was quite surprising to know that a seller,,, is away for a year and will be back on 31 mar 2013. i do not know how the ebay management functions, but there is absolutely no point in having a seller on the list while he is away for a year and there is no response to be taken by anyone in his firm. Even more surprising that ebay staff happily intimates that response to ur querry will be attended after 31 Mar 2013.why cant the authorities temporarily suspend the seller as there could be buyers who may have paid and waiting for their stuff, which just may not fetch up.
2. request intimate that if he cannot provide the items , then his listing be suspended till his return so that no one is financially harmed for no fault of his. further the same info provided by e bay should on the listing page of the dealer so that no one unessarilly makes a payment. An early action is requested please