recently i have sold one nokia mobile 6600 worth Rs 10199/- 6431378180 to a person zaverchand jain id kuchmilgaya ( contacted me and told he is coming personaly to take the mobile , he came to may place and given me a demand draft of Rs 10000/- since i saw a demand draft of a standard charted bank i handad over my mobile phone and he told since he is coming personaly so he will not pay for shipping charges ,we agreed on that. when i deposited the demand draft in my bank ,on second day i came to know that the demand draft was fraud ,when i contacted to standard charted bank i came to know that i was the 8 th person who was chited befor me ther wher 7 person who wher chited by the same person ,all this case were made in last 15 days, in the same manner, now since this ebay was knowing that some person has givien fraud demand draft to seller they must have allert without getting clear demand draft dont hand over any goods to your buyer ,last 6 or 7 seller might have saved from chiting case, now i want to ask ebay what ebay will do will they pay my amount which i have lost.i request to all seller plz dont hand over any iterm before u get your mony in your acount be alert.