Dear jupiter_bags ,
It seems you are using Selling Manager.
You have competed the Sales by....
1. receiving the payment.
2. leaving the feedback for the Buyer.
3. Dispatching the Item on time.
But unfortunately the Buyer has not responded by leaving the feedback for you.
I would like to tell you that Selling Manager won't help you in this case. The buyer would have to manually leave a feedback for you. There is a provision in
SM Pro, whereby a Seller may opt for giving an automatic +ve feedback in return for a +ve feedback received.
In case your Buyer ( who may also be a Seller on ebay ) has SM Pro with automatic feedback feature then you would have already received the feedback on leaving it for your Buyer. But thats not the case.
The best would be to contact your buyer through email and request for a feedback. In case he is satisfied with the deal, he would definately oblidge you.
Umang Midha
best regards
Umang Midha