ebay sells poor stuff and return is not accepted ready to lose money or we should stop using ebay

Community Member

This is bring to your notice about the event which is not so good for ebay
business and being a professional it is my responsibility to bring it up to

I have ordered media player from your site. This was reviewing the product
carefully. But when the shipment landed I never imagined it is of very
substandard quality.

When I raised product return and refund request. To my surprise ebay team
called and informed they can not process refund for poor quality stuff and
closed the ticket forcefully even though, I have not accepted.

Being professional company and in a growing Indian market with so much
competition and options do you think such model and attitude works.

I dont mind loosing $ 69 but I never going to use ebay in future and I will
inform my friends and family not to use ebay.

Please look into it if you feel that you need to respond please respond to
this mail.

Best regards,

An eBay Guarantee* claim has been resolved

Dear Rajeevalochan,

We thank you for your precious time in helping us investigate the issue you
faced with your purchase. We regret to inform you that after investigating
the claim we are rejecting your eBay Guarantee* claim request. Click here
for more

Please find the details here

Action : Buyer Claim request rejected by eBay

Remarks : As per our telephonic conversation on *** at 27/11/2015
and 1:01pm. This is with regards to eBay Claim.We have found that item is
as per the description so the claim is not eligible under the eBay
guarantee,hence we are closing the claim from our end. We request you to
get in touch with the seller to resolve the issue with your purchase. Thank
you for your patience and cooperation. We thank you for your patronage.
Item Information

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