I have buy mi3 refurbish phone on 18.9.15 and got deliverd on 23.9.15. I have checked and find it was not detecting the sim card and founded no network.immediately within 1/2 an hour ,i hv raised the claim on 23/9/15. After several calls to customer care, i get the call from customer care on 2.10 that it has closed the issue as the product has manufactured warranty and ebay could not do any thing, get the set repaired with mi service centre .i have contacted mi s cntr ,it replied that the set has been repaired before and they will charge for repairing it and took time for 1 to 2 months for parts availability. I felt cheated from ebay,the seller and buying mi mobiles as in an offer , it was clearly mentioned that refurbish sets are free from defect and ebay has 1 month gurantee plan for buyer but its further conditions shows that it not works and exclude buyer for protections.
Ebay guarantee is just an illusion of protection and it was not of any use to buyer.