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Why should I loose my 'Feedback Recieved', if a Seller is suspended?

Community Member
I have paid to a Seller for an item through Paisa Pay (Credit Card).

I had given 'positive' to the Seller and recieved the same from him!

Now, that the Seller have been suspended (I don't know why?), so is my positive 'Feedback Recieved' been taken off from that Seller!!

Why is it so???

I have not done anything wrong (delayed the payment or like!!), then why should my positive feedbacks be reduced? If the Seller is not upto the standards of eBay, should I suffer?

Any answers??

Moreover, when I have paid for an item through Credit Card (a lot of days before I recieve the product!) - I should instantly get a "positive" from that Seller and I should be (Eventhough, I am!) at my liberty to give my feedback to him/her.

Now, the Seller haven't given me any feedback till now (it's already 1 month or so!!) - only waiting to be given him/her a 'positive' - even if I am not satisfied with him!

Should I get a 'positive', only after I give it to him/her?

Any answers??

Regards to all!

PS: Both the cases are different!
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Why should I loose my 'Feedback Recieved', if a Seller is suspended?

Community Member

As per new eBay rules if a seller (or buyer - any member) is suspended within 3 months from the date of registration then the feedback points left by that member is ignored.

Some sellers (incl. me) normally put +ve feedbacks on receipt of the payment without waiting for the buyers feedback. But some sellers prefer to wait as some buyers put non-positive feedbacks for whimsical reasons. However, what is most disturbing is that some sellers put -ve feedbacks for paying buyers only because the buyer has put a negative for the sub-standard product. This is a dishonest and distressing trend.

I also think that for Indian operations its better if the Feedback can be edited at least once within a stipulated time period. .
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

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Why should I loose my 'Feedback Recieved', if a Seller is suspended?

Community Member

This system is the best way. If the buyer / seller is suspended with in 90 days of registration, the feeback will be removed as it states that user is not gunine.

This is one system I liked very much from eBay. Even I have lost quite a number of positive feedbacks, But its really safe. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Why should I loose my 'Feedback Recieved', if a Seller is suspended?

Community Member
Most of the sellers give positive feedback only after receiving positive feedback from the buyers. There are reasons for it. If any buyer gives negative feedback for some trivial reason (like product quality not upto the mark, shipping is slow etc etc), then only way to neutralise that feedback is to give negative feedback to that buyer and then apply for mutual feedback withdrawal. Feedback is not that important to the buyers, since he/she can easily create another id . The seller can not do the same thing and even one negative feedback damages the reputation to a great extent. Unlike baazee, rating from a buyer can not be removed, even from a non paying buyer.
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