Why is ebay shielding fake and bogus sellers who are selling fake and counterfeit products

Claim ID:*** for PaisaPay ID:*** i bought this item KARBONN TITANIUM OCTANE PHONE that was covered under the ebay guarantee. raised the issue of faulty+non functional +incomplete product within 24hours of receiving the product with all the details but I find it ridiculous that without speaking to me or the seller the claim was rejected without even giving me any reason and justification for the closure. it only amounts to malpractice by ebay and its partner seller by selling the defective product and no adequate reply from either ebay nor by its partner seller  for my complaint and issue raised. I tried calling the seller numerous times but his phone is switched off, email are going unanswered. What the hell do ebay expect from me. is it my fault that I bought the product from/through you ? I bought the product only for the reason that this product you have advertised on your site is covered under ebay guarantee, and now you are making fool of me by simply washing your hand off. This is ridiculous and amounts to harassment and trade malpractice. AS I CUSTOMER I DEMAND A REASON FOR NOT ENTERTAINING MY COMPLAINT. IF REFUND IS NOT POSSIBLE THEN I DEMAND A REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT SINCE THE LISTING WAS A FUNCTIONAL AND COMPLETE PRODUCT WHEREAS WHAT I GOT WAS A DEFECTIVE+NON FUNCTIONAL+INCOMPLETE PRODUCT. For your information,following was my complaint Got a non functional mobile phone. the problems faced in this are :- 1. Box did not contain the handsfree kit 2. Mic not working as the talk is one sided viz. my voice is not transmitted to the caller. Only works when I use the speakerphone, could not try with handsfree as it was not in the box 3. The WiFi stops working after half an hour of usage and have to reboot the phone to enable WiFi again. 4. After a couple of hours, the phone signals goes off and it is not reachable to the caller. I literally have to reboot phone after every 1-2 hours. Tried many times calling the seller but his phone is constantly switched off and mail is unanswered. I AM WORRIED AS I HAVE ALREADY PAID THE TRANSACTION AND HAVE READ THE NEGATIVE REPORTS ON EBAY ABOUT THE SELLER. PLEASE HELP !!! A bad experience altogether. It would be appreciated if the matter could be looked into and sorted out immediately keeping in mind that this all amounts to cheating by the seller that you are promoting on your website. I got call from your staff Vijay on Oct 14, 2014 almost 105 hours back and he promised to resolve this issue within 48 hours. Its almost over 102 hours now and have not heard from you or your colleague or as a matter of fact anybody from ebay to resolve this issue. Also, have send few mails to the seller and have tried calling him frantically but neither he is replying the mails nor his phone is switched on. All this is giving me a jitters and a feeling that I might have lost my money with the non working / fake and second hand cell phone. Would appreciate if an update is given to me for my complaint immediately. Kind regards, Amit Chowdhry-Gurgaon

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