Hello Community
It is a pleasure to be back in Auction..oppss Action !
I would like to thank every one at ebay who lent a ear to our woes. Thank you for all the support we have received from ebay.
After this 30 Day period of suspension we still feel that we were not at fault and that the decision to suspend us was a harsh one. Nevertheless, it has taught us to be VERY VERY careful of what we list on the site.
A suggestion to all Sellers. Go through the ebay policies in minute details. Get up in the morning and read it once like Hanuman Chalisa and read it again before sleeping ! Do it at least for a month !
We have started doing it ourselves
Jokes apart, be careful about what you list. If there is any doubt at all, ask the ebay support team if that item is prohibited or not.
If you are not careful, one fine day you might wake up to find your ID suspended.
Take this advice from a seller who has gone through all this ordeal. Its not fun not, trust me !
Friends, Prevention is Better Than Cure. We all learnt that in school didnt we ? Let us all practice it now !