There are lot of sellers on EBay which are fraud. Either they never ship the product or the product delivered doesn't work or not same as described.
To get the refund from EBay is a big struggle. First of all, to connect to EBay customer service is a big pain. Very long waiting time for customer care phone number, email chat etc. Even if you connect somehow, you may not get the solution you are looking for.
My last 5 orders on Ebay was like this. 4 products were not even shipped and 1 product didn't even work. So I sent the product back and I'm get to get a refund. The way things are going, I'm not sure if I'll get the refund at all.
The standard buyer protection EBay talks about so much has lot of catches. For example it covers upto Rs. 10000 only. I've seen many feedback from customers where transaction amount was more than Rs 10000 and they never got their money back. is probably the worst online shopping site in India. I've done online shopping on but never faced any issue. But I guess location change has done the quality/service change with EBay.