I purchaged a book from ebay on 16th FEB. When I purchaged ebay commitment is:Once your item successfully bought, we will provide you with a consignment tracking number with in 6 to 7 days of your purchase and deliver it to your shipping address with in Next 8 to 10 days after providing shipping detail.
Later their commitment is:Your payments are protected by PaisaPay. You can request a refund of your payment if the seller does not deliver the item by 12-Mar-13. Learn more about PaisaPay protection.
Later their commitment after I requested to refund the amount on 13th March is:The seller has been notified of the refund claim and will be given 5 days to appeal against it. If the seller appeals against the claim, PaisaPay will evaluate the proof on hand and make a decision in favour of you or the seller. PaisaPay's decision in this matter will be final.
On 16th March: Refund request on hold by the paisa pay
On 18th March:When I contacted custmer support told next 24hrs to provide an update on same.
On 19th March: When contacted the custmer care, they told i had spoken with our claim team for the same, so would like to inform you that our claim team will revert you within 24-48 hours
On 20th March:When I contacted again teh custmer care they told I would like to inform you that seller is shipping your product within 3 working days. If you won't receive the item come back to us
After this experience I decided to stop tracking my item as I am not having that much time either to call or chat with custmercare, also decided not to buy any item from ebay.