Dear members,
Our teams have been trying to find the reported objectionable advertisement on but could not trace it. As you are aware that we are committed to delivering the best user experience on our site. We are extremely selective about the sponsored ads that you see on our site and take all reasonable measures to avoid unlawful contents being hosted on our site. Further, we do not run expandable or pop-up / pop-under advertisements that have a ‘click-to-remove’ button as reported by our member.
However, we understand that when such unwarranted advertisements are seen, it is possible that the viewer's browser may be hacked. If a software, browser extension or plugin or previously visited website plants a Malware, that may take over the page's ad-slots and may display objectionable content. This is commonly known as ‘rogue ads’ which is not in our control. In such cases, it is recommended that the user should clear his/her browser/cookies and should run a full system scan using an appropriate antivirus program. The User may like to contact its PC-manufacturer or OS-provider to install necessary anti-virus, cleanup tools or any other solutions which may be required.
We are thankful to our members who support us in our efforts to maintain the highest standards of experience on eBay. Please continue to keep us informed should you ever encounter such content on eBay.
Team eBay India.