My take - Mostly good. YIPEE and HURRAY
For tech category - Selling costs would be on par with other sites and offline costs, except for mobiles.
So now the payout for Tech is approx 5% including PP charges. For mobiles it is still higher than offline margins.
Where I am uncomfortable with the change is the maximum listing fees of Rs.1500/- per seller id.
I think this is an open invitation to spammers and space grabbers. Now there will be more and more listings of the same products.
And don't tell me the max limit of 10 listings per product will control that.
In my meeting with the category team last week in ebaY's office they had acknowledged that there are sellers who has as many as 11 ids selling almost the same products. So know you can expect 110 listings of the same product by the same sellers.
Now please do about changing the max times a product is listed from 10 to 5 or 2.
There are sellers like me who have an inventory of only 5 - 10 product and still mange "Gold" PS status in good months, so I need to list a product atleast 10 times to give is some sort of visibility.
If with 10 x 10 x 10 (10 3 day listings in a month) = 1000 listings per month I can generate more sales than say someone with 500 skus listing only 1 time each (500 x 1 x 10 = 5000) listings, I should not be stopped from adopting my business model. Infact on they are doing away with the max limit on number of listings.
I think the max limit of Rs.1500/- should only be given to sellers who have a conversion ratio of 20% or higher. i.e. they are able to sell 1 out of 5 listings. The percentage of sell through ratio may vary but we need a control on the spam which is going to come in the next few months.
P.S.: I know there will be a number of sellers who will oppose my views but than everyone is entilled to his own view point and we should all appreciate the same.