I have been regurarly purchasing product through ebay and its always been a pleasent experience.
When i came across the below mentioned product
'Orignal Paint Zoom Ultimate Professional Paint Sprayer item No. 261177274716' from seller ubergadgets i called the seller to take more of futhure details before i make the purchase. But to my suprise the seller refused to give me the details and asked me to understand the product by myself.
In all my past purchases on ebay i called up the sellers before buying the products and i have been very satisfied with the information they provided which helped me to understand and choose the right product.
Even though the above seller was rude and unprofessional i deceided to go ahead and purchase the product from him keeping in mind the past experience and reputation of ebay. Since then i been trying to contact the seller to know the order status but neither he has answered or returned my calls.
I am very disappointed to come across such a seller on ebay which makes me regret for doing this purchase and also affraid to purchase any other product from such sellers.
So i request ebay to kindly look into the above matter and resolve it soon.
Agnelo DIas