I returned back the product to the seller on the next day when my case was closed but before the case was about to close I did make a phone call to customer care of ebay and asked them to give me a additional day to send back the product as I was out of town and the customer care executive replied in affirmation towards my request thereafter I even sent an email on insellerverification@ebay.com informing that I will take another day to return back the product to the seller.
The next day I returned back the product to the seller via courier service and sent all the proof of courier images to ebay on insellerverification@ebay.com and this was 14 November 2014 and withinn couple of minutes of sending this email I again made a phone call to customer care executive regarding informing eBay that I have sent back the product to the seller and I have also mailed all the required pics of courier along with invoice copy to insellerverification@ebay.com and the customer care executive informed me not to worry as I will get my refund back soon
I had to return back the product to the seller as the product was duplicate product against the promise of providing a original product along with the product being second hand product against the promise of a brand new product and I was promised a apple warranty for the product ie iPhone 4s original battery n there was no apple warranty in the invoice of the product for all these reasons I send back the product
Around 5 days later I called up customer care of eBay from where I was informed that I would receive the refund amount in next 10 days and thereafter 10 days I was promised that I would get the refund in next 10-15 days but again when I called up eBay they said that if I want quick refund then I should contact the seller on my own and ask for refund
After contacting the seller I was promised that I would get my full refund in 5 days n in a day I will receive an email regarding this confirmation. Again I waited for around 10 -15 days and I wasn't refunded again I called up Techberry n here the seller starting changing his words n said that refund amount won't b possible instead I should buy something from his shop as eBay takes up a lot of money in their transactions an was adamant not to give my refund back n even put down the call
Today again I made a call to the seller n he was more rude in replying that he won't refund my amount of 1290 rupees and I should buy something from his shop although I had a bad experience from the shopping from his shop via eBay and this time he said that if at all I wanted the refund then why did I go to eBay and place a claim of refund an then also call him for refund. He was not patient enough to listen to the agony that I had to face from eBay and the sellers end as it's been more than 2 months that I haven't received my refund amount.
This is not the way we customers are to be treated as I am a genuine customer who did send the product back by safe packaging and bearing the courier expenses although I was provided with a inferior quality product and even after the seller has received the product he is adamant on not refunding my amount.
This nightmare has made me realise that although eBay is a giant in e commerce bizz it is wise enough to stay away from eBay as eBay and its sellers are not reliable
I strongly protest against such tactics of eBay an the seller and will soon launch a complaint in consumer court
U should not take the customers for granted