I am agreed with you that small sellers donot get the right response from buyers & ebay policies are also not in favour of either buyers or sellers.
Although agreed with you on the points raised by you, but would like to advise you to please beware of shill bidding & hiking the price of your items by creating fake IDs e.g. "mrinalup" & "quantum......", you know these tactics has become old & useless as an experienced buyer can judge everything by keeping a close vigil on Seller's activities.
Not only you, but I would like to inform you more than 90% of IDs having 0 rating on ebay are fake IDs. Interestingly I searched there IDs & their winning items, I found although they won many items but neither of them tried to rate each other because seller himself is the buyer of that particular item when he observes that I may be in loss so he takes advantage of Shill bidding & if any buyer does not bids a higher amount, then practically the item remains unsold.
Please try to understand that the Internet trading on ebay is not so much attractive now for a new seller. Those who are earning, earned name & ratings from Former Baazee which was far far better as from current scenario.